Some [[directives|ikiwiki/directive]] that use [[PageSpecs|ikiwiki/pagespec]] allow specifying the order that matching pages are shown in. The following sort orders can be specified. * `age` - List pages from the most recently created to the oldest. * `mtime` - List pages with the most recently modified first. * `title` - Order by title (page name). [[!if test="enabled(sortnaturally)" then=""" * `title_natural` - Orders by title, but numbers in the title are treated as such, ("1 2 9 10 20" instead of "1 10 2 20 9") """]] [[!if test="enabled(meta)" then=""" * `meta_title` - Order according to the `\[[!meta title="foo" sort="bar"]]` or `\[[!meta title="foo"]]` [[ikiwiki/directive]], or the page name if no full title was set. """]] In addition, you can combine several sort orders and/or reverse the order of sorting, with a string like `age -title` (which would sort by age, then by title in reverse order if two pages have the same age). Plugins can add additional sort orders, so more might be available on this wiki. [[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]