[NearlyFreeSpeech.net](http://NearlyFreeSpeech.net) is a shared hosting provider with very cheap pay as you go pricing. Here's how to install ikiwiki there if you don't have a dedicated server. ## Register for an account and set up a site After you [get an account](https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/about/start.php), create a site using their web interface. Mine is named `ikiwiki-test` and I used their DNS instead of getting my own, resulting in They gave me 2 cents free funding for signing up, which is enough to pay for 10 megabytes of hosting, or about a thousand typical page views at their current rates. Plenty to decide if this is right for you. If it is, $5 might be a good starting amount of money to put in your account. ## ssh in and configure the environment ssh into their server using the ssh hostname and username displayed on the site's information page. For me this was: ssh joeyh_ikiwiki-test@ssh.phx.nearlyfreespeech.net Now set up .profile to run programs from ~/bin. cd $HOME echo "PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" > .profile . .profile ## Download an unpack ikiwiki Use `wget` to [[download]] the ikiwiki tarball. Then unpack it: tar zxvf ikiwiki*.tar.gz ## Install perl modules Use CPAN to install the perl modules it uses into your home directory: PERL5LIB=ikiwiki:ikiwiki/cpan:. PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install("Bundle::IkiWiki")' PERL5LIB=ikiwiki:ikiwiki/cpan:. PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->force(install => "Bundle::IkiWiki::Extras")' (This will take a while. As long as the first command succeeds, ikiwiki will be usable. The second command adds extra modules that some plugins use, and installation of some of them might fail.) ## Build and install ikiwiki cd ikiwiki export MAKE=gmake perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=$HOME PREFIX= $MAKE $MAKE install ## Set up a wiki in the usual way With ikiwiki installed, you can follow the regular [[setup]] tutorial for settng up your wiki. Make sure to set `destdir` to `/home/htdocs/` so that the wiki is published on the web site. I recommend using git for revision control; you can then clone your wiki's git repository as an offsite backup. Here is an example of how I set up a wiki: mkdir ~/wiki cd ~/wiki cp ~/ikiwiki/doc/ikiwiki.setup . cp -r ~/ikiwiki/doc/examples/blog/* . nano ikiwiki.setup # Set destdir to /home/htdocs # Set srcdir to /home/private/wiki # Set url to http://yoursite.nfshost.com/ , set cgiurl likewise # Uncomment the `rcs => "git"` line, and the cgi and git # post-update wrapper blocks. # Set the cgi wrapper path to /home/htdocs/ikiwiki.cgi # Set the git wrapper path to /home/private/wiki.git/hooks/post-update # Configure the rest to your liking and save the file. ikiwiki-makerepo git . ../wiki.git ikiwiki -setup ikiwiki.setup ## Clean up Finally, you can save a _lot_ of disk space by cleaning up the ikiwiki tarball and .cpan directory. rm -rf ~/ikiwiki*.tar.gz ~/.cpan ## Enjoy! Have fun and do good things. --[[Joey]]