import logging import os import os.path import itertools import sys import shutil import errno from wizard import deploy, report, shell, sset, command from wizard.command import upgrade def main(argv, baton): options, args = parse_args(argv, baton) app = args[0] sh = shell.ParallelShell.make(options.no_parallelize, options.max_processes) command.create_logdir(options.log_dir) # setup reports human_status = { 'up_to_date': 'are now up-to-date', 'not_migrated': 'were not migrated', 'merge': 'had merge failures', 'verify': 'had web verification errors', 'backup_failure': 'had a backup failure', 'blacklisted': 'were blacklisted', 'db': 'had database errors', 'quota': 'had too low quota', 'permissions': 'had insufficient permissions for upgrade' } if options.remerge: os.unlink(os.path.join(options.log_dir, 'merge.txt')) status = (report.make_fresh if options.redo else report.make)(options.log_dir, *human_status.keys()) runtime = report.make_fresh(options.log_dir, 'success', 'lookup', 'warnings', 'errors') # setup rr_cache rr_cache = os.path.join(options.log_dir, "rr-cache") try: os.mkdir(rr_cache) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise os.chmod(rr_cache, 0o777) # setup base arguments base_args = calculate_base_args(options) base_args.append("--non-interactive") base_args.append("--rr-cache=" + rr_cache) # loop variables errors = {} i = 0 deploys = deploy.parse_install_lines(app, options.versions_path, user=options.user) requested_deploys = itertools.islice(deploys, options.limit) # clean up /dev/shm/wizard if os.path.exists("/dev/shm/wizard"): shutil.rmtree("/dev/shm/wizard") os.mkdir("/dev/shm/wizard") os.chmod("/dev/shm/wizard", 0o777) try: for i, d in enumerate(requested_deploys, 1): runtime.write("lookup", i, d.location) if not os.getuid() and not command.security_check_homedir(d.location): continue if not options.redo: found = False for r in status.reports.values(): if i in r.values: found = True break if found: continue # XXX: we may be able to punt based on detected versions from d, which # would be faster than spinning up a new process. On the other hand, # our aggressive caching strategies using reports make this mostly not a problem"[%04d] Processing %s", i, d.location) child_args = list(base_args) # copy # calculate the log file, if a log dir was specified if options.log_dir: log_file = command.calculate_log_name(options.log_dir, i) child_args.append("--log-file=" + log_file) # actual meat def make_on_pair(d, i): # we need to make another stack frame so that d and i get specific bindings. def on_success(stdout, stderr): if stderr: runtime.write("warnings", i, d.location) logging.warning("[%04d] Warnings at [%s]:\n%s", i, d.location, stderr) runtime.write("success", i, d.location) status.write("up_to_date", i, d.location) def on_error(e): if == "AlreadyUpgraded":"[%04d] Skipped already upgraded %s" % (i, d.location)) status.write("up_to_date", i, d.location) elif == "MergeFailed": conflicts, _, tmpdir = e.stdout.rstrip().partition(" ") logging.warning("[%04d] Conflicts in %s files: resolve at [%s], source at [%s]", i, conflicts, tmpdir, d.location) status.write("merge", i, tmpdir, conflicts, d.location) elif == "BlacklistedError": reason = e.stdout.rstrip().replace("\n", " ") logging.warning("[%04d] Blacklisted because of '%s' at %s", i, reason, d.location) status.write("blacklisted", i, d.location, reason) elif == "WebVerificationError": url = d.url.geturl() # This should actually be a warning, but it's a really common error"[%04d] Could not verify application at %s", i, url) status.write("verify", i, url) elif == "DatabaseVerificationError":"[%04d] Could not verify database ast %s", i, d.location) status.write("db", i, d.location) elif == "NotMigratedError":"[%04d] Application not migrated at %s", i, d.location) status.write("not_migrated", i, d.location) elif == "BackupFailure":"[%04d] Failed backups at %s", i, d.location) status.write("backup_failure", i, d.location) elif == "QuotaTooLow":"[%04d] Quota too low at %s", i, d.location) status.write("quota", i, d.location) elif == "PermissionsError":"[%04d] Insufficient permissions to upgrade %s", i, d.location) status.write("permissions", i, d.location) else: errors.setdefault(, []).append(d) logging.error("[%04d] %s in %s", i,, d.location) runtime.write("errors", i,, d.location) # lack of status write means that we'll always retry return (on_success, on_error) on_success, on_error = make_on_pair(d, i)"wizard", "upgrade", d.location, *child_args, on_success=on_success, on_error=on_error) sh.join() finally: sys.stderr.write("\n") for name, deploys in errors.items(): logging.warning("%s from %d installs", name, len(deploys)) print total = sum(len(x.values) for x in status.reports.values()) def printPercent(description, number): print "% 4d out of % 4d installs (% 5.1f%%) %s" % (number, total, float(number)/total*100, description) error_count = sum(len(e) for e in errors.values()) if error_count: printPercent("had unusual errors", error_count) for name, description in human_status.items(): values = status.reports[name].values if values: printPercent(description, len(values)) sys.stderr.write("\n") print "%d installs were upgraded this run" % len(runtime.reports["success"].values) def parse_args(argv, baton): usage = """usage: %prog mass-upgrade [ARGS] APPLICATION Mass upgrades an application to the latest version. Essentially equivalent to running '%prog upgrade' on all autoinstalls for a particular application found by parallel-find, but with advanced reporting. This command is intended to be run as root on a server with the scripts AFS patch.""" parser = command.WizardOptionParser(usage) baton.push(parser, "log_dir") baton.push(parser, "no_parallelize") baton.push(parser, "dry_run") baton.push(parser, "max_processes") baton.push(parser ,"limit") baton.push(parser, "versions_path") baton.push(parser, "srv_path") baton.push(parser, "user") parser.add_option("--force", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force running upgrade even if it's already at latest version.") parser.add_option("--redo", dest="redo", action="store_true", default=False, help="Redo all upgrades; use this if you updated Wizard's code.") parser.add_option("--remerge", dest="remerge", action="store_true", default=False, help="Redo all merges.") options, args, = parser.parse_all(argv) if len(args) > 1: parser.error("too many arguments") elif not args: parser.error("must specify application to upgrade") return options, args def calculate_base_args(options): # Do not pass --debug to subprocesses, since it will trigger the OS # kernel buffer issue return command.make_base_args(options, dry_run="--dry-run", srv_path="--srv-path", force="--force", debug=None)