import sys import os.path from wizard import command, deploy, shell def main(argv, baton): options, args = parse_args(argv, baton) sh = shell.Shell() wc = deploy.WorkingCopy(".") wc.verify() wc.verifyConfigured() # worst case scenario protection for file in wc.application.parametrized_files:"git", "add", file)"git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-am", "Protection commit")"git", "reset", "HEAD~") wc.prepareConfig() def parse_args(argv, baton): usage = """usage: %prog prepare-config During the preparation of an upgrade, changes to configuration files must be taken into account. Unfortunately, configuration files are not commonly versioned, and are commonly autogenerated. Running this command will update all configuration files. To be more specific, it replaces the specific values from the installation back with generic values, which can be committed to the repository. The final working copy state has HEAD pointing to the -scripts version that the commit was based off of, but with local changes that can be incorporated using `git commit --amend -a`. You should inspect the changes with `git diff`; it is possible that the regular expressions in are now non-functional. Wizard should be run in the environment installations are planned to be deployed to, because installers can have subtle differences in configuration files based on detected server configuration. """ parser = command.WizardOptionParser(usage) return parser.parse_all(argv)