#!/bin/bash set -xe APP="$1" VERSION="$2" PRIOR="$3" APPLICATION="$4" if [ -z "$APPLICATION" ]; then echo "$0 APP VERSION PRIOR-VERSION APPLICATION" echo echo "Prepares a retroactive upgrade on a repository. Be" echo "sure to run tests/prepare-upgrade.sh on the resulting" echo "commits on a scripts server." echo echo " APP : short name, like 'wordpress'" echo " VERSION : version being retro'd" echo " PRIOR-VERSION : version to retro on to" echo " APPLICATION : full name of application for commit message" echo echo "See docs/upgrade.rst " echo "for detailed instructions." exit 1 fi git checkout -b tmaster || git checkout tmaster git reset --hard $APP-$PRIOR-scripts git checkout -b tpristine || git checkout tpristine git reset --hard $APP-$PRIOR DATE=`git show tmaster --format="format:%cd" | head -n1` export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="$DATE" export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$DATE" wizard prepare-pristine $APP-$VERSION --force git commit -asm "$APPLICATION $VERSION" git tag $APP-$VERSION git checkout tmaster git merge tpristine --no-commit || bash || true git commit -asm "$APPLICATION $VERSION-scripts" git tag $APP-$VERSION-scripts