""" Plumbing object model for representing applications we want to install. This module does the heavy lifting, but you probably want to use :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` which is more user-friendly. You'll need to know how to overload the :class:`Application` class and use some of the functions in this module in order to specify new applications. There are some submodules for programming languages that define common functions and data that may be used by applications in that language. See: * :mod:`wizard.app.php` .. testsetup:: * import re import shutil import os from wizard import deploy, util from wizard.app import * """ import os.path import re import distutils.version import decorator import shlex import logging import shutil import sqlalchemy import random import string import urlparse import tempfile import wizard from wizard import resolve, scripts, shell, util _application_list = [ "mediawiki", "wordpress", "joomla", "e107", "gallery2", "phpBB", "advancedbook", "phpical", "trac", "turbogears", "django", # these are technically deprecated "advancedpoll", "gallery", ] _applications = None def applications(): """Hash table for looking up string application name to instance""" global _applications if not _applications: _applications = dict([(n,Application.make(n)) for n in _application_list ]) return _applications def getApplication(appname): """Retrieves application instance given a name""" return applications()[appname] class Application(object): """ Represents an application, i.e. mediawiki or phpbb. .. note:: Many of these methods assume a specific working directory; prefer using the corresponding methods in :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` and its subclasses. """ #: String name of the application name = None #: Dictionary of version strings to :class:`ApplicationVersion`. #: See also :meth:`makeVersion`. versions = None #: List of files that need to be modified when parametrizing. #: This is a class-wide constant, and should not normally be modified. parametrized_files = [] #: Keys that are used in older versions of the application, but #: not for the most recent version. deprecated_keys = set() #: Keys that we can simply generate random strings for if they're missing random_keys = set() #: Dictionary of variable names to extractor functions. These functions #: take a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` as an argument and return the value of #: the variable, or ``None`` if it could not be found. #: See also :func:`filename_regex_extractor`. extractors = {} #: Dictionary of variable names to substitution functions. These functions #: take a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` as an argument and modify the deployment such #: that an explicit instance of the variable is released with the generic #: ``WIZARD_*`` constant. See also :func:`filename_regex_substitution`. substitutions = {} #: Dictionary of file names to a list of resolutions, which are tuples of #: a conflict marker string and a result list. See :mod:`wizard.resolve` #: for more information. resolutions = {} #: Instance of :class:`wizard.install.ArgSchema` that defines the arguments #: this application requires. install_schema = None #: Name of the database that this application uses, i.e. ``mysql`` or #: ``postgres``. If we end up supporting multiple databases for a single #: application, there should also be a value for this in #: :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment`; the value here is merely the preferred #: value. database = None def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.versions = {} # cache variables self._extractors = {} self._substitutions = {} def repository(self, srv_path): """ Returns the Git repository that would contain this application. ``srv_path`` corresponds to ``options.srv_path`` from the global baton. """ repo = os.path.join(srv_path, self.name + ".git") if not os.path.isdir(repo): repo = os.path.join(srv_path, self.name, ".git") if not os.path.isdir(repo): raise NoRepositoryError(self.name) return repo def makeVersion(self, version): """ Creates or retrieves the :class:`ApplicationVersion` singleton for the specified version. """ if version not in self.versions: self.versions[version] = ApplicationVersion(distutils.version.LooseVersion(version), self) return self.versions[version] def extract(self, deployment): """ Extracts wizard variables from a deployment. Default implementation uses :attr:`extractors`. """ result = {} for k,extractor in self.extractors.items(): result[k] = extractor(deployment) # XXX: ugh... we have to do quoting for k in self.random_keys: if result[k] is None: result[k] = "'%s'" % ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in xrange(30)) return result def dsn(self, deployment): """ Returns the deployment specific database URL. Uses the override file in :file:`.scripts` if it exists, and otherwise attempt to extract the variables from the source files. Under some cases, the database URL will contain only the database property, and no other values. This indicates that the actual DSN should be determined from the environment. This function might return ``None``. .. note:: We are allowed to batch these two together, because the full precedence chain for determining the database of an application combines these two together. If this was not the case, we would have to call :meth:`databaseUrlFromOverride` and :meth:`databaseUrlFromExtract` manually. """ url = self.dsnFromOverride(deployment) if url: return url return self.dsnFromExtract(deployment) def dsnFromOverride(self, deployment): """ Extracts database URL from an explicit dsn override file. """ try: return sqlalchemy.engine.url.make_url(open(deployment.dsn_file).read().strip()) except IOError: return None def dsnFromExtract(self, deployment): """ Extracts database URL from a deployment, and returns them as a :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL`. Returns ``None`` if we can't figure it out: i.e. the conventional variables are not defined for this application. """ if not self.database: return None vars = self.extract(deployment) names = ("WIZARD_DBSERVER", "WIZARD_DBUSER", "WIZARD_DBPASSWORD", "WIZARD_DBNAME") host, user, password, database = (shlex.split(vars[x])[0] if vars[x] is not None else None for x in names) # XXX: You'd have to put support for an explicit different database # type here return sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL(self.database, username=user, password=password, host=host, database=database) def url(self, deployment): """ Returns the deployment specific web URL. Uses the override file in :file:`.scripts` if it exists, and otherwise attempt to extract the variables from the source files. This function might return ``None``, which indicates we couldn't figure it out. """ url = self.urlFromOverride(deployment) if url: return url return self.urlFromExtract(deployment) def urlFromOverride(self, deployment): """ Extracts URL from explicit url override file. """ try: return urlparse.urlparse(open(deployment.url_file).read().strip()) except IOError: return None def urlFromExtract(self, deployment): """ Extracts URL from a deployment, and returns ``None`` if we can't figure it out. Default implementation is to fail; we might do something clever with extractable variables in the future. """ return None def parametrize(self, deployment, ref_deployment): """ Takes a generic source checkout and parametrizes it according to the values of ``deployment``. This function operates on the current working directory. ``deployment`` should **not** be the same as the current working directory. Default implementation uses :attr:`parametrized_files` and a simple search and replace on those files. """ variables = ref_deployment.extract() for file in self.parametrized_files: try: contents = open(file, "r").read() except IOError: continue for key, value in variables.items(): if value is None: continue contents = contents.replace(key, value) f = open(file, "w") f.write(contents) def resolveConflicts(self, deployment): """ Resolves conflicted files in the current working directory. Returns whether or not all conflicted files were resolved or not. Fully resolved files are added to the index, but no commit is made. The default implementation uses :attr:`resolutions`. """ resolved = True files = set() for status in shell.eval("git", "ls-files", "--unmerged").splitlines(): files.add(status.split()[-1]) for file in files: # manual resolutions if file in self.resolutions: contents = open(file, "r").read() for spec, result in self.resolutions[file]: old_contents = contents contents = resolve.resolve(contents, spec, result) if old_contents != contents: logging.info("Did resolution with spec:\n" + spec) open(file, "w").write(contents) if not resolve.is_conflict(contents): shell.call("git", "add", file) else: resolved = False else: resolved = False return resolved def prepareMerge(self, deployment): """ Performs various edits to files in the current working directory in order to make a merge go more smoothly. This is usually used to fix botched line-endings. If you add new files, you have to 'git add' them; this is not necessary for edits. By default this is a no-op; subclasses should replace this with useful behavior. """ pass def prepareConfig(self, deployment): """ Takes a deployment and replaces any explicit instances of a configuration variable with generic ``WIZARD_*`` constants. The default implementation uses :attr:`substitutions`, and emits warnings when it encounters keys in :attr:`deprecated_keys`. """ for key, subst in self.substitutions.items(): subs = subst(deployment) if not subs and key not in self.deprecated_keys: logging.warning("No substitutions for %s" % key) def install(self, version, options): """ Run for 'wizard configure' (and, by proxy, 'wizard install') to configure an application. This assumes that the current working directory is a deployment. (Unlike its kin, this function does not take a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` as a parameter.) Subclasses should provide an implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError def upgrade(self, deployment, version, options): """ Run for 'wizard upgrade' to upgrade database schemas and other non-versioned data in an application after the filesystem has been upgraded. This assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. Subclasses should provide an implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError def backup(self, deployment, outdir, options): """ Run for 'wizard backup' and upgrades to backup database schemas and other non-versioned data in an application. ``outdir`` is the directory that backup files should be placed. This assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. Subclasses should provide an implementation, even if it is a no-op. .. note:: Static user files may not need to be backed up, since in many applications upgrades do not modify static files. """ raise NotImplementedError def restore(self, deployment, backup_dir, options): """ Run for 'wizard restore' and failed upgrades to restore database and other non-versioned data to a backed up version. This assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. Subclasses should provide an implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError def remove(self, deployment, options): """ Run for 'wizard remove' to delete all database and non-local file data. This assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. Subclasses should provide an implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError def detectVersion(self, deployment): """ Checks source files to determine the version manually. This assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. Subclasses should provide an implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError def detectVersionFromFile(self, filename, regex): """ Helper method that detects a version by using a regular expression from a file. The regexed value is passed through :mod:`shlex`. This assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. """ contents = open(filename).read() match = regex.search(contents) if not match: return None return distutils.version.LooseVersion(shlex.split(match.group(2))[0]) def download(self, version): """ Returns a URL that can be used to download a tarball of ``version`` of this application. """ raise NotImplementedError def checkWeb(self, deployment): """ Checks if the autoinstall is viewable from the web. Subclasses should provide an implementation. .. note:: Finding a reasonable heuristic that works across skinning choices can be difficult. We've had reasonable success searching for metadata. Be sure that the standard error page does not contain the features you search for. Try not to depend on pages that are not the main page. """ raise NotImplementedError def checkWebPage(self, deployment, page, output): """ Checks if a given page of an autoinstall contains a particular string. """ page = deployment.fetch(page) result = page.find(output) != -1 if result: logging.debug("checkWebPage (passed):\n\n" + page) else: logging.info("checkWebPage (failed):\n\n" + page) return result def checkConfig(self, deployment): """ Checks whether or not an autoinstall has been configured/installed for use. Assumes that the current working directory is the deployment. Subclasses should provide an implementation. """ # XXX: Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work because we package # bogus config files in the -scripts versions of installs. Maybe # we should check a hash or something? raise NotImplementedError def researchFilter(self, filename, added, deleted): """ Allows an application to selectively ignore certain diffstat signatures during research; for example, configuration files will have a very specific set of changes, so ignore them; certain installation files may be removed, etc. Return ``True`` if a diffstat signature should be ignored, """ return False def researchVerbose(self, filename): """ Allows an application to exclude certain dirty files from the output report; usually this will just be parametrized files, since those are guaranteed to have changes. Return ``True`` if a file should only be displayed in verbose mode. """ return filename in self.parametrized_files @staticmethod def make(name): """Makes an application, but uses the correct subtype if available.""" try: __import__("wizard.app." + name) return getattr(wizard.app, name).Application(name) except ImportError as error: # XXX ugly hack to check if the import error is from the top level # module we care about or a submodule. should be an archetectural change. if error.args[0].split()[-1]==name: return Application(name) else: raise class ApplicationVersion(object): """Represents an abstract notion of a version for an application, where ``version`` is a :class:`distutils.version.LooseVersion` and ``application`` is a :class:`Application`.""" #: The :class:`distutils.version.LooseVersion` of this instance. version = None #: The :class:`Application` of this instance. application = None def __init__(self, version, application): self.version = version self.application = application @property def tag(self): """ Returns the name of the git describe tag for the commit the user is presently on, something like mediawiki-1.2.3-scripts-4-g123abcd """ return "%s-%s" % (self.application, self.version) @property def scripts_tag(self): """ Returns the name of the Git tag for this version. """ end = str(self.version).partition('-scripts')[2].partition('-')[0] return "%s-scripts%s" % (self.pristine_tag, end) @property def pristine_tag(self): """ Returns the name of the Git tag for the pristine version corresponding to this version. """ return "%s-%s" % (self.application.name, str(self.version).partition('-scripts')[0]) def __cmp__(self, y): return cmp(self.version, y.version) @staticmethod def parse(value): """ Parses a line from the :term:`versions store` and return :class:`ApplicationVersion`. Use this only for cases when speed is of primary importance; the data in version is unreliable and when possible, you should prefer directly instantiating a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` and having it query the autoinstall itself for information. The `value` to parse will vary. For old style installs, it will look like:: /afs/athena.mit.edu/contrib/scripts/deploy/APP-x.y.z For new style installs, it will look like:: APP-x.y.z-scripts """ name = value.split("/")[-1] try: if name.find("-") != -1: app, _, version = name.partition("-") else: # kind of poor, maybe should error. Generally this # will actually result in a not found error app = name version = "trunk" except ValueError: raise DeploymentParseError(value) return ApplicationVersion.make(app, version) @staticmethod def make(app, version): """ Makes/retrieves a singleton :class:`ApplicationVersion` from a``app`` and ``version`` string. """ try: # defer to the application for version creation to enforce # singletons return applications()[app].makeVersion(version) except KeyError: raise NoSuchApplication(app) def expand_re(val): """ Takes a tree of values (implement using nested lists) and transforms them into regular expressions. >>> expand_re('*') '\\\\*' >>> expand_re(['a', 'b']) '(?:a|b)' >>> expand_re(['*', ['b', 'c']]) '(?:\\\\*|(?:b|c))' """ if isinstance(val, str): return re.escape(val) else: return '(?:' + '|'.join(map(expand_re, val)) + ')' def make_extractors(seed): """ Take a dictionary of ``key`` to ``(file, regex)`` tuples and convert them into extractor functions (which take a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` and return the value of the second subpattern of ``regex`` when matched with the contents of ``file``). """ return util.dictmap(lambda a: filename_regex_extractor(*a), seed) def make_substitutions(seed): """ Take a dictionary of ``key`` to ``(file, regex)`` tuples and convert them into substitution functions (which take a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment`, replace the second subpattern of ``regex`` with ``key`` in ``file``, and returns the number of substitutions made.) """ return util.dictkmap(lambda k, v: filename_regex_substitution(k, *v), seed) # The following two functions are *highly* functional, and I recommend # not touching them unless you know what you're doing. def filename_regex_extractor(file, regex): """ .. highlight:: haskell Given a relative file name ``file``, a regular expression ``regex``, and a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` extracts a value out of the file in that deployment. This function is curried, so you pass just ``file`` and ``regex``, and then pass ``deployment`` to the resulting function. Its Haskell-style type signature would be:: Filename -> Regex -> (Deployment -> String) The regular expression requires a very specific form, essentially ``()()()`` (with the second subgroup being the value to extract). These enables the regular expression to be used equivalently with filename .. highlight:: python For convenience purposes, we also accept ``[Filename]``, in which case we use the first entry (index 0). Passing an empty list is invalid. >>> open("test-settings.extractor.ini", "w").write("config_var = 3\\n") >>> f = filename_regex_extractor('test-settings.extractor.ini', re.compile('^(config_var\s*=\s*)(.*)()$')) >>> f(deploy.Deployment(".")) '3' >>> os.unlink("test-settings.extractor.ini") .. note:: The first application of ``regex`` and ``file`` is normally performed at compile-time inside a submodule; the second application is performed at runtime. """ if not isinstance(file, str): file = file[0] def h(deployment): try: contents = deployment.read(file) # cached except IOError: return None match = regex.search(contents) if not match: return None # assumes that the second match is the one we want. return match.group(2) return h def filename_regex_substitution(key, files, regex): """ .. highlight:: haskell Given a Wizard ``key`` (``WIZARD_*``), a list of ``files``, a regular expression ``regex``, and a :class:`wizard.deploy.Deployment` performs a substitution of the second subpattern of ``regex`` with ``key``. Returns the number of replacements made. This function is curried, so you pass just ``key``, ``files`` and ``regex``, and then pass ``deployment`` to the resulting function. Its Haskell-style type signature would be:: Key -> ([File], Regex) -> (Deployment -> IO Int) .. highlight:: python For convenience purposes, we also accept ``Filename``, in which case it is treated as a single item list. >>> open("test-settings.substitution.ini", "w").write("config_var = 3") >>> f = filename_regex_substitution('WIZARD_KEY', 'test-settings.substitution.ini', re.compile('^(config_var\s*=\s*)(.*)()$')) >>> f(deploy.Deployment(".")) 1 >>> print open("test-settings.substitution.ini", "r").read() config_var = WIZARD_KEY >>> os.unlink("test-settings.substitution.ini") """ if isinstance(files, str): files = (files,) def h(deployment): base = deployment.location subs = 0 for file in files: file = os.path.join(base, file) try: contents = open(file, "r").read() contents, n = regex.subn("\\1" + key + "\\3", contents) subs += n open(file, "w").write(contents) except IOError: pass return subs return h def backup_database(outdir, deployment): """ Generic database backup function for MySQL. """ # XXX: Change this once deployments support multiple dbs if deployment.application.database == "mysql": return backup_mysql_database(outdir, deployment) else: raise NotImplementedError def backup_mysql_database(outdir, deployment): """ Database backups for MySQL using the :command:`mysqldump` utility. """ outfile = os.path.join(outdir, "db.sql") try: shell.call("mysqldump", "--compress", "-r", outfile, *get_mysql_args(deployment.dsn)) shell.call("gzip", "--best", outfile) except shell.CallError as e: raise BackupFailure(e.stderr) def restore_database(backup_dir, deployment): """ Generic database restoration function for MySQL. """ # XXX: see backup_database if deployment.application.database == "mysql": return restore_mysql_database(backup_dir, deployment) else: raise NotImplementedError def restore_mysql_database(backup_dir, deployment): """ Database restoration for MySQL by piping SQL commands into :command:`mysql`. """ if not os.path.exists(backup_dir): raise RestoreFailure("Backup %s doesn't exist", backup_dir.rpartition("/")[2]) sql = open(os.path.join(backup_dir, "db.sql"), 'w+') shell.call("gunzip", "-c", os.path.join(backup_dir, "db.sql.gz"), stdout=sql) sql.seek(0) shell.call("mysql", *get_mysql_args(deployment.dsn), stdin=sql) sql.close() def remove_database(deployment): """ Generic database removal function. Actually, not so generic because we go and check if we're on scripts and if we are run a different command. """ if deployment.dsn.host == "sql.mit.edu": try: shell.call("/mit/scripts/sql/bin/drop-database", deployment.dsn.database) return except shell.CallError: pass engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(deployment.dsn) engine.execute("DROP DATABASE `%s`" % deployment.dsn.database) def get_mysql_args(dsn): """ Extracts arguments that would be passed to the command line mysql utility from a deployment. """ args = [] if dsn.host: args += ["-h", dsn.host] if dsn.username: args += ["-u", dsn.username] if dsn.password: args += ["-p" + dsn.password] args += [dsn.database] return args class Error(wizard.Error): """Generic error class for this module.""" pass class NoRepositoryError(Error): """ :class:`Application` does not appear to have a Git repository in the normal location. """ #: The name of the application that does not have a Git repository. app = None def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def __str__(self): return """Could not find Git repository for '%s'. If you would like to use a local version, try specifying --srv-path or WIZARD_SRV_PATH.""" % self.app class DeploymentParseError(Error): """ Could not parse ``value`` from :term:`versions store`. """ #: The value that failed to parse. value = None #: The location of the autoinstall that threw this variable. #: This should be set by error handling code when it is available. location = None def __init__(self, value): self.value = value class NoSuchApplication(Error): """ You attempted to reference a :class:`Application` named ``app``, which is not recognized by Wizard. """ #: The name of the application that does not exist. app = None #: The location of the autoinstall that threw this variable. #: This should be set by error handling code when it is availble. location = None def __init__(self, app): self.app = app class Failure(Error): """ Represents a failure when performing some double-dispatched operation such as an installation or an upgrade. Failure classes are postfixed with Failure, not Error. """ pass class InstallFailure(Error): """Installation failed for unknown reason.""" def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Installation failed for unknown reason. You can retry the installation by appending --retry to the installation command.""" class RecoverableInstallFailure(InstallFailure): """ Installation failed, but we were able to determine what the error was, and should give the user a second chance if we were running interactively. """ #: List of the errors that were found. errors = None def __init__(self, errors): self.errors = errors def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Installation failed due to the following errors: %s You can retry the installation by appending --retry to the installation command.""" % ", ".join(self.errors) class UpgradeFailure(Failure): """Upgrade script failed.""" #: String details of failure (possibly stdout or stderr output) details = None def __init__(self, details): self.details = details def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Upgrade script failed, details: %s""" % self.details class UpgradeVerificationFailure(Failure): """Upgrade script passed, but website wasn't accessible afterwards""" def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Upgrade script passed, but website wasn't accessible afterwards. Check the debug logs for the contents of the page.""" class BackupFailure(Failure): """Backup script failed.""" #: String details of failure details = None def __init__(self, details): self.details = details def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Backup script failed, details: %s""" % self.details class RestoreFailure(Failure): """Restore script failed.""" #: String details of failure details = None def __init__(self, details): self.details = details def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Restore script failed, details: %s""" % self.details class RemoveFailure(Failure): """Remove script failed.""" #: String details of failure details = None def __init__(self, details): self.details = details def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Remove script failed, details: %s""" % self.details