import optparse import sys import subprocess from wizard import deploy def prettify(loc): return loc.replace("/afs/", "~scripts") def indent(text, indent): # There should be a built-in return "\n".join([" " * indent + x for x in text.split("\n")]) def main(argv, global_options): usage = """usage: %prog info [ARGS] DIR Prints information about an autoinstalled directory, including its history and current version.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("--reverse", dest="reverse", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print entries in chronological order (default is reverse)") options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) if len(args) > 1: parser.error("too many arguments") elif not args: parser.error("must specify directory") d = deploy.Deployment.fromDir(args[0]) d.getLog() # force the log to be loaded, to pre-empt errors proc = False # This is prime candidate for refactoring. This code pipes # stdout to less, so that you get scrolling and stuff. if sys.stdout.isatty(): proc = subprocess.Popen("less", stdin=subprocess.PIPE) sys.stdout = proc.stdin try: if options.reverse: munge = lambda x: x else: munge = reversed for entry in munge(d.getLog()): print "%s %s" % (, entry.version.version) print "User: %s" % entry.user print "Date: %s" % entry.datetime.strftime("%a %b %0d %H:%M:%S %Y %z") print info = "Unknown" if isinstance(entry.source, deploy.TarballInstall): info = "Installed with tarball at:\n%s" % \ prettify(entry.source.location) print indent(info, 4) print finally: if proc: proc.stdin.close() proc.wait()