import os import os.path import shutil import logging from wizard import command, deploy, shell, util # LEGACY (but still necessary, since we haven't migrated all of scripts # yet. Maybe if we plugin-ify the commands interface move this.) def main(argv, baton): options, args = parse_args(argv, baton) dir = os.path.abspath(args[0]) if args else os.getcwd() shell.drop_priviledges(dir, options.log_file) util.chdir(dir) sh = shell.Shell(options.dry_run)"Migrating %s" % dir) logging.debug("uid is %d" % os.getuid()) deployment = deploy.ProductionCopy(".") os.unsetenv("GIT_DIR") # prevent some perverse errors try: deployment.verify() raise AlreadyMigratedError(deployment.location) except deploy.NotMigratedError: pass except (deploy.CorruptedAutoinstallError, AlreadyMigratedError): if not options.force: raise deployment.verifyTag(options.srv_path) if options.force_version: version = deployment.application.makeVersion(options.force_version) else: try: deployment.verifyVersion() version = deployment.app_version except deploy.VersionMismatchError as e: # well, we'll use that then version = deployment.application.makeVersion(str(e.real_version)) repo = version.application.repository(options.srv_path) tag = version.wizard_tag try:"git", "--git-dir=%s" % repo, "rev-parse", tag) except shell.CallError: raise UnsupportedVersion(version.version) with util.LockDirectory(".wizard-migrate-lock"): try: if options.force: perform_force(options) make_repository(sh, options, repo, tag) check_variables(deployment, options) except KeyboardInterrupt: # revert it; barring zany race conditions this is safe if os.path.exists(".wizard"): shutil.rmtree(".wizard") if os.path.exists(".git"): shutil.rmtree(".git") def parse_args(argv, baton): usage = """usage: %prog migrate [ARGS] DIR Migrates a directory to our Git-based autoinstall format. Performs basic sanity checking and intelligently determines what repository and tag to use. This command is meant to be run as the owner of the install it is upgrading . Do NOT run this command as root.""" parser = command.WizardOptionParser(usage) baton.push(parser, "srv_path") parser.add_option("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Prints would would be run without changing anything") parser.add_option("--force", "-f", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="If .git or .wizard directory already exists," "delete them and migrate") parser.add_option("--force-version", dest="force_version", default=None, help="If .scripts-version tells lies, explicitly specify" "a version to migrate to.") options, args = parser.parse_all(argv) if len(args) > 1: parser.error("too many arguments") return (options, args) def perform_force(options): has_git = os.path.isdir(".git") has_wizard = os.path.isdir(".wizard") if has_git: logging.warning("Force removing .git directory") if not options.dry_run: backup = util.safe_unlink(".git")".git backed up to %s" % backup) if has_wizard: logging.warning("Force removing .wizard directory") if not options.dry_run: backup = util.safe_unlink(".wizard")".wizard backed up to %s" % backup) def make_repository(sh, options, repo, tag):"git", "init") # create repository # configure our alternates (to save space and make this quick) data = os.path.join(repo, "objects") file = ".git/objects/info/alternates" if not options.dry_run: alternates = open(file, "w") alternates.write(data) alternates.close() htaccess = open(".git/.htaccess", "w") htaccess.write("Deny from all\n") htaccess.close() else:"# create %s containing \"%s\"" % (file, data))'# create .htaccess containing "Deny from all"') # configure our remote (this is merely for convenience; wizard # will not rely on this)"git", "remote", "add", "origin", repo) # configure what would normally be set up on a 'git clone' for consistency"git", "config", "branch.master.remote", "origin")"git", "config", "branch.master.merge", "refs/heads/master") # perform the initial fetch"git", "fetch", "origin") # soft reset to our tag"git", "reset", tag, "--") # initialize the .wizard directory util.init_wizard_dir()"Diffstat:\n" + sh.eval("git", "diff", "--stat")) # commit user local changes message = "Autoinstall migration.\n\n%s" % util.get_git_footer() util.set_git_env() try: message += "\nMigrated-by: " + util.get_operator_git() except util.NoOperatorInfo: pass"git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-a", "-m", message) def check_variables(d, options): """Attempt to extract variables and complain if some are missing.""" variables = d.extract() for k,v in variables.items(): if v is None and k not in d.application.deprecated_keys: logging.warning("Variable %s not found" % k) else: logging.debug("Variable %s is %s" % (k,v)) class Error(command.Error): """Base exception for all exceptions raised by migrate""" pass class AlreadyMigratedError(Error): quiet = True def __init__(self, dir): self.dir = dir def __str__(self): return """ This autoinstall is already migrated; move along, nothing to see here. (If you really want to, you can force a re-migration with --force, but this will blow away the existing .git and .scripts directories (i.e. your history and Wizard configuration).) """ class UnsupportedVersion(Error): def __init__(self, version): self.version = version def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: This autoinstall is presently on %s, which is unsupported by Wizard. Please manually upgrade it to one that is supported, and then retry the migration; usually the latest version is supported. """ % self.version