""" Advanced merge tools for git rerere, sloppy commits and parametrization. Wizard requires infrastructure for reusing merge resolutions across many repositories, due to the number of user installs and highly repetitive conflict resolution process. This environment results in a number of unique challenges: 1. Users are commonly very sloppy with their text editors and will frequently change the line-ending style of their file. Because Git respects newline choice when core.autocrlf is off, a file that flips newline style will result in a full merge conflict. 2. We version user configuration files, which means that there will always be a set of changes between upstream and ours. Since Git refuses to automatically merge changes that are too close to each other, these frequently result in spurious merge commits. Furthermore, both of these make it difficult to reuse rerere resolutions across installations. Thus, an advanced Wizard merge has the following properties: 1. Wizard will perform a full scan of all files that were different between common and ours, filter out those that are binary (using as close to the Git heuristic as possible) and then check among common, ours and theirs if the newlines match. The newline style of theirs always takes precedence. 2. Wizard will genericize the ours copy so that it matches common and theirs, and reparametrize it once the merge is finished. Consumers of this function should be careful to appropriately reparametrize if there are conflicts (we can't do it any earlier, because we want clean rerere postimages). Usage of this functionality is primarily through the :func:`merge` function; see that function more usage information. While the ``git`` and ``newline`` functions published by this module are public, use of these functions outside of this module is discouraged. """ import logging import itertools import tempfile import os import wizard from wizard import shell def git_commit_tree(tree, *parents): """ Convenience wrapper for ``git commit-tree``. Writes an empty log. """ parent_args = itertools.chain(*(["-p", p] for p in parents)) commit = shell.eval("git", "commit-tree", tree, *parent_args, input="", log=True) return commit def git_diff_text(a, b): """ Returns a list of files that are text and are different between commits ``a`` and ``b``. """ lines = shell.eval("git", "diff", "--numstat", a, b).strip().split("\n") files = [] for line in lines: added, deleted, name = line.split() if added != "-" and deleted != "-": files.append(name) return files def git_newline_style(rev, name): """ Returns the newline style for a blob, identified by Git revision ``rev`` and filename ``name``. """ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="wizardResolve", delete=False) shell.call("git", "cat-file", "blob", "%s:%s" % (rev, name), stdout=f) f.close() nl = get_newline(f.name) os.unlink(f.name) return nl # only works on Unix def get_newline(filename): """ Determines the newline style of ``filename``. This will be a string if only one newline style was find, or a tuple of newline types found. """ f = open(filename, 'U') f.read() return f.newlines def convert_newline(filename, dest_nl): """ Replaces the detected newline style of ``filename`` with ``dest_nl`` type newlines. """ contents = open(filename, "U").read().replace("\n", dest_nl) open(filename, "wb").write(contents) def merge(common_id, theirs_id, prepare_config=None, resolve_conflicts=None): """ Performs a merge. Throws a :class:`MergeError` if the merge fails (and leaves the current working directory in a state amenable to manual conflict resolution), or returns a tree id of the successful merge (the directory state is undefined and should not be relied upon). This function is not responsible for actually coming up with the real merge commit, because it can fail. If ``prepare_config`` is used, you are expected to reverse the effects of this on whatever the final tree is; otherwise you will lose those changes. Arguments: * ``common_id``: base commit to calculate merge off of * ``theirs_id``: changes to merge in from commit * ``prepare_config``: function that removes any user-specific values from files. This function is expected to ``git add`` any files it changes. * ``resolve_conflicts``: this function attempts to resolve conflicts automatically. Returns ``True`` if all conflicts are resolved, and ``False`` otherwise. It is permitted to resolve some but not all conflicts. .. note:: Wizard has a strange idea of repository topology (due to lack of rebases, see documentation about doctoring retroactive commits), so we require the common and theirs commits, instead of using the normal Git algorithm. """ if prepare_config is None: prepare_config = lambda: None if resolve_conflicts is None: resolve_conflicts = lambda: False ours_id = shell.eval("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD") theirs_newline_cache = {} def get_theirs_newline(file): if file not in theirs_newline_cache: nl = git_newline_style(theirs_id, file) if not isinstance(nl, str): if nl is not None: # A case of incompetent upstream, unfortunately logging.warning("Canonical version (theirs) of %s has mixed newline style, forced to \\n", file) else: logging.info("Canonical version (theirs) of %s had no newline style, using \\n", file) nl = "\n" theirs_newline_cache[file] = nl return theirs_newline_cache[file] theirs_tree = shell.eval("git", "rev-parse", "%s^{tree}" % theirs_id) # operations on the ours tree for file in git_diff_text(ours_id, theirs_id): try: theirs_nl = get_theirs_newline(file) ours_nl = get_newline(file) # current checkout is ours_id except (IOError, shell.CallError): # hack continue if theirs_nl != ours_nl: logging.info("Converting our file (3) from %s to %s newlines", repr(ours_nl), repr(theirs_nl)) convert_newline(file, theirs_nl) shell.eval("git", "add", file) prepare_config() # for Wizard, this usually genericizes config files ours_tree = shell.eval("git", "write-tree") logging.info("Merge wrote virtual tree for ours: %s", ours_tree) # operations on the common tree shell.call("git", "reset", "--hard", common_id) for file in git_diff_text(common_id, theirs_id): try: theirs_nl = get_theirs_newline(file) common_nl = get_newline(file) # current checkout is common_id except (IOError, shell.CallError): # hack continue if theirs_nl != common_nl: logging.info("Converting common file (1) from %s to %s newlines", repr(common_nl), repr(theirs_nl)) convert_newline(file, theirs_nl) shell.eval("git", "add", file) common_tree = shell.eval("git", "write-tree") logging.info("Merge wrote virtual tree for common: %s", common_tree) # construct merge commit graph common_virtual_id = git_commit_tree(common_tree) ours_virtual_id = git_commit_tree(ours_tree, common_virtual_id) theirs_virtual_id = git_commit_tree(theirs_tree, common_virtual_id) # perform merge shell.call("git", "reset", "--hard", ours_virtual_id) try: shell.call("git", "merge", theirs_virtual_id) except shell.CallError as e: logging.info("Merge failed with these message:\n\n" + e.stderr) if resolve_conflicts(): logging.info("Resolved conflicts automatically") shell.call("git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "merge") else: raise MergeError # post-merge operations result_tree = shell.eval("git", "write-tree") logging.info("Resolution tree is %s", result_tree) return result_tree class Error(wizard.Error): """Base error class for merge""" pass class MergeError(Error): """Merge terminated with a conflict, oh no!""" pass