import sys import distutils.version import os import os.path import shutil import logging.handlers import tempfile import itertools import time import errno from wizard import app, command, deploy, merge, shell, user, util buffer = 1024 * 1024 * 30 # 30 MiB we will always leave available errno_blacklisted = 64 def main(argv, baton): options, args = parse_args(argv, baton) dir = os.path.abspath(args[0]) if args else os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) shell.drop_priviledges(dir, options.log_file) util.set_git_env() upgrade = Upgrade(options) upgrade.execute(dir) if not options.non_interactive: print "Upgrade complete" class Upgrade(object): """ Represents the algorithm for upgrading an application. This is in a class and not a function because it's a multi-step process that requires state betweens steps. Steps are represented as methods in this object. """ #: Version of application we are upgrading to, i.e. the latest version. version = None # XXX: This is a string... I'm not convinced it should be #: String commit ID of the user's latest wc; i.e. "ours" user_commit = None #: String commit ID of the latest, greatest wizard version; i.e. "theirs" next_commit = None #: The temporary directory that the system gave us; may stay as ``None`` #: if we don't ever make ourselves a temporary directory (e.g. ``--continue``). #: While we should clean this up if it is set to something, it may #: not correspond to anything useful. temp_dir = None #: The temporary directory containing our working copy for merging temp_wc_dir = None #: We place the temporary repositories inside a tmpfs while merging; #: this makes merges not disk-bound and affords a modest speed increase. #: If you are running ``--continue``, this is guaranteed to be ``False``. use_shm = None #: Upstream repository to use. This does not need to be saved. repo = None #: Instance of :class:`wizard.deploy.WorkingCopy` for this upgrade wc = None #: Instance of :class:`wizard.deploy.ProductionCopy` for this upgrade prod = None #: Options object that the installer was called with options = None def __init__(self, options): self.version = None self.user_commit = None self.next_commit = None self.temp_dir = None self.temp_wc_dir = None self.use_shm = False # False until proven otherwise. self.wc = None = None self.options = options def execute(self, dir): """ Executes an upgrade. This is the entry-point. This expects that it's current working directory is the same as ``dir``. """ assert os.path.abspath(dir) == os.getcwd() try: if self.options.continue_:"Continuing upgrade...") self.resume() else:"Upgrading %s" % os.getcwd()) self.preflight() self.merge() self.postflight() # Till now, all of our operations were in a tmp sandbox. if self.options.dry_run:"Dry run, bailing. See results at %s" % self.temp_wc_dir) return backup = self.backup() self.upgrade(backup) # Note: disable_rollback assumes that upgrade is the last # step, if you add another setp you may have to modify this # to accomodate that. finally: if self.use_shm and self.temp_dir and os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) def resume(self): """ In the event of a ``--continue`` flag, we have to restore state and perform some sanity checks. """ self.resumeChdir() self.resumeState() self.resumeLogging() util.chdir(shell.eval("git", "config", "remote.origin.url")) self.resumeProd() def resumeChdir(self): """ If we called ``--continue`` inside a production copy, check if :file:`.wizard/pending` exists and change to that directory if so. """ # XXX: Can't use deploy; maybe should stringify constants? if os.path.exists(".wizard/pending"): newdir = open(".wizard/pending").read().strip() logging.warning("Detected production copy; changing directory to %s", newdir) os.chdir(newdir) def resumeState(self): self.temp_wc_dir = os.getcwd() self.wc = deploy.WorkingCopy(".") try: self.user_commit, self.next_commit = open(".git/WIZARD_PARENTS", "r").read().split() self.version = open(".git/WIZARD_UPGRADE_VERSION", "r").read() except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise CannotResumeError() else: raise def resumeLogging(self): options = self.options if not options.log_file and os.path.exists(".git/WIZARD_LOG_FILE"): options.log_file = open(".git/WIZARD_LOG_FILE", "r").read() command.setup_file_logger(options.log_file, options.debug) def resumeProd(self): """Restore :attr:`prod` attribute, and check if the production copy has drifted.""" = deploy.ProductionCopy(".") try: # simulate the action of `git status`, based on cmd_status()'s call to # refresh_cache() in builtin-commit.c"git", "update-index", "-q", "--unmerged", "--refresh") r1 = shell.eval("git", "diff-files", "--name-only").strip() r2 = shell.eval("git", "diff-index", "--name-only", "HEAD").strip() if r1 or r2: raise LocalChangesError() except shell.CallError: pass # Working copy is not anchored anywhere useful for git describe, # so we need to give it a hint. self.wc.setAppVersion( def preflight(self): """ Make sure that a number of pre-upgrade invariants are met before attempting anything. """ options = self.options for i in range(0,2): = deploy.ProductionCopy(".") self.repo = # XXX: put this in Application self.version = shell.eval("git", "--git-dir="+self.repo, "describe", "--tags", "master") self.preflightBlacklist() if not options.skip_verification: try:"git", "fetch", "--tags") # XXX: hack since some installs have stale tags except shell.CallError as e: if "Disk quota exceeded" in e.stderr: raise QuotaTooLow raise try: except deploy.VersionMismatchError as e: # XXX: kind of hacky, mainly it does change the Git working copy # state (although /very/ non-destructively) try:"git", "merge", "--strategy=ours", except shell.CallError as e2: if "does not point to a commit" in e2.stderr: raise UnknownVersionError(e.real_version) else: raise continue break else: raise VersionRematchFailed if not options.skip_verification: self.preflightAlreadyUpgraded() self.preflightQuota() def preflightBlacklist(self): # XXX: should use deploy info if os.path.exists(".wizard/blacklisted"): reason = open(".wizard/blacklisted").read() # ignore blank blacklisted files if reason: print reason raise BlacklistedError(reason) else: logging.warning("Application was blacklisted, but no reason was found"); def preflightAlreadyUpgraded(self): if self.version == and not self.options.force: # don't log this error; we need to have the traceback line # so that the parsing code can catch it # XXX: maybe we should build this in as a flag to add # to exceptions w/ our exception handler sys.stderr.write("Traceback:\n (n/a)\nAlreadyUpgraded\n") sys.exit(2) def preflightQuota(self): r = user.quota() if r is not None: usage, limit = r if limit is not None and (limit - usage) < buffer:"preflightQuota: limit = %d, usage = %d, buffer = %d", limit, usage, buffer) raise QuotaTooLow def merge(self): if not self.options.dry_run: self.mergePreCommit() self.mergeClone() logging.debug("Temporary WC dir is %s", self.temp_wc_dir) with util.ChangeDirectory(self.temp_wc_dir): self.wc = deploy.WorkingCopy(".")"git", "remote", "add", "wizard", self.repo)"git", "fetch", "-q", "wizard") self.user_commit = shell.eval("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD") self.next_commit = shell.eval("git", "rev-parse", self.version) self.mergeSaveState() self.mergePerform() def mergePreCommit(self): def get_file_set(rev): return set(shell.eval("git", "ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", rev).split("\n")) # add all files that are unversioned but would be replaced by the pull, # and generate a new commit old_files = get_file_set("HEAD") new_files = get_file_set(self.version) added_files = new_files - old_files for f in added_files: if os.path.lexists(f): # broken symbolic links count too!"git", "add", f) message = "Pre-commit before autoinstall upgrade.\n\n%s" % util.get_git_footer() try: message += "\nPre-commit-by: " + util.get_operator_git() except util.NoOperatorInfo: pass try:"git", "commit", "-a", "-m", message) except shell.CallError as e: if "Permission denied" in e.stderr: raise util.PermissionsError elif e.stderr: raise"No changes detected") def mergeClone(self): # If /dev/shm exists, it's a tmpfs and we can use it # to do a fast git merge. Don't forget to move it to # /tmp if it fails. if not self.options.dry_run and not self.options.debug: self.use_shm = os.path.exists("/dev/shm") if self.use_shm: dir = "/dev/shm/wizard" if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) # XXX: race os.chmod(dir, 0o777) else: dir = None self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wizard", dir=dir) self.temp_wc_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "repo")"Using temporary directory: " + self.temp_wc_dir)"git", "clone", "-q", "--shared", ".", self.temp_wc_dir) def mergeSaveState(self): """Save variables so that ``--continue`` will work.""" # yeah yeah no trailing newline whatever open(".git/WIZARD_UPGRADE_VERSION", "w").write(self.version) open(".git/WIZARD_PARENTS", "w").write("%s\n%s" % (self.user_commit, self.next_commit)) open(".git/WIZARD_SIZE", "w").write(str(util.disk_usage())) if self.options.log_file: open(".git/WIZARD_LOG_FILE", "w").write(self.options.log_file) def mergePerform(self): def prepare_config(): self.wc.prepareConfig()"git", "add", ".") def resolve_conflicts(): return self.wc.resolveConflicts()"git", "config", "merge.conflictstyle", "diff3") # setup rerere if self.options.rr_cache is None: self.options.rr_cache = os.path.join(, ".git", "rr-cache") if not os.path.exists(self.options.rr_cache): os.mkdir(self.options.rr_cache) os.symlink(self.options.rr_cache, os.path.join(self.wc.location, ".git", "rr-cache"))"git", "config", "rerere.enabled", "true") try: merge.merge(self.wc.app_version.wizard_tag, self.version, prepare_config, resolve_conflicts) except merge.MergeError: self.mergeFail() def mergeFail(self): files = set() for line in shell.eval("git", "ls-files", "--unmerged").splitlines(): files.add(line.split(None, 3)[-1]) conflicts = len(files) # XXX: this is kind of fiddly; note that temp_dir still points at the OLD # location after this code. self.temp_wc_dir = mv_shm_to_tmp(os.getcwd(), self.use_shm) self.wc.location = self.temp_wc_dir os.chdir(self.temp_wc_dir) open(, "w").write(self.temp_wc_dir) if self.options.non_interactive: print "%d %s" % (conflicts, self.temp_wc_dir) raise MergeFailed else: user_shell = os.getenv("SHELL") if not user_shell: user_shell = "/bin/bash" # XXX: scripts specific hack, since mbash doesn't respect the current working directory # When the revolution comes (i.e. $ATHENA_HOMEDIR/Scripts is your Scripts home # directory) this isn't strictly necessary, but we'll probably need to support # web_scripts directories ad infinitum. if user_shell == "/usr/local/bin/mbash": user_shell = "/bin/bash" while 1: print print "ERROR: The merge failed with %d conflicts in these files:" % conflicts print for file in sorted(files): print " * %s" % file print print "Please resolve these conflicts (edit and then `git add`), and" print "then type 'exit'. You will now be dropped into a shell whose working" print "directory is %s" % self.temp_wc_dir try:, "-i", interactive=True) except shell.CallError as e: logging.warning("Shell returned non-zero exit code %d" % e.code) if shell.eval("git", "ls-files", "--unmerged").strip(): print print "WARNING: There are still unmerged files." out = raw_input("Continue editing? [y/N]: ") if out == "y" or out == "Y": continue else: print "Aborting. The conflicted working copy can be found at:" print print " %s" % self.temp_wc_dir print print "and you can resume the upgrade process by running in that directory:" print print " wizard upgrade --continue" sys.exit(1) break def postflight(self): with util.ChangeDirectory(self.temp_wc_dir): if shell.eval("git", "ls-files", "-u").strip(): raise UnmergedChangesError"git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-am", "throw-away commit") self.wc.parametrize("git", "add", ".") message = self.postflightCommitMessage() new_tree = shell.eval("git", "write-tree") final_commit = shell.eval("git", "commit-tree", new_tree, "-p", self.user_commit, "-p", self.next_commit, input=message, log=True) # a master branch may not necessarily exist if the user # was manually installed to an earlier version try:"git", "checkout", "-q", "-b", "master", "--") except shell.CallError:"git", "checkout", "-q", "master", "--")"git", "reset", "-q", "--hard", final_commit) # This is a quick sanity check to make sure we didn't completely # mess up the merge self.wc.invalidateCache() self.wc.verifyVersion() def postflightCommitMessage(self): message = "Upgraded autoinstall to %s.\n\n%s" % (self.version, util.get_git_footer()) try: message += "\nUpgraded-by: " + util.get_operator_git() except util.NoOperatorInfo: pass return message def backup(self): # Ok, now we have to do a crazy complicated dance to see if we're # going to have enough quota to finish what we need pre_size = int(open(os.path.join(self.temp_wc_dir, ".git/WIZARD_SIZE"), "r").read()) post_size = util.disk_usage(self.temp_wc_dir) backup = r = user.quota() if r is not None: usage, limit = r if limit is not None and (limit - usage) - (post_size - pre_size) < buffer: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(, shell.eval("wizard", "restore").splitlines()[0])) raise QuotaTooLow return backup def upgrade(self, backup): # XXX: frob .htaccess to make site inaccessible # XXX: frob Git to disallow Git operations after the pull with util.IgnoreKeyboardInterrupts(): with util.LockDirectory(".wizard-upgrade-lock"):"git", "fetch", "--tags") # git merge (which performs a fast forward)"git", "pull", "-q", self.temp_wc_dir, "master") version_obj = distutils.version.LooseVersion(self.version.partition('-')[2]) try: # run update script, self.options) except app.UpgradeFailure: logging.warning("Upgrade failed: rolling back") self.upgradeRollback(backup) raise except deploy.WebVerificationError as e: logging.warning("Web verification failed: rolling back") self.upgradeRollback(backup) raise app.UpgradeVerificationFailure() # XXX: frob .htaccess to make site accessible # to do this, check if .htaccess changed, first. Upgrade # process might have frobbed it. Don't be # particularly worried if the segment disappeared def upgradeRollback(self, backup): # You don't want d.restore() because it doesn't perform # the file level backup if not self.options.disable_rollback:"wizard", "restore", backup) try: except deploy.WebVerificationError: logging.critical("Web verification failed after rollback") else: logging.warning("Rollback was disabled; you can rollback with `wizard restore %s`", backup) # utility functions def mv_shm_to_tmp(curdir, use_shm): if not use_shm: return curdir # Keeping all of our autoinstalls in shared memory is # a recipe for disaster, so let's move them to slightly # less volatile storage (a temporary directory) os.chdir(tempfile.gettempdir()) newdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wizard") # shutil, not os; at least on Ubuntu os.move fails # with "[Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link" shutil.move(curdir, newdir) shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(curdir)) curdir = os.path.join(newdir, "repo") return curdir def parse_args(argv, baton): usage = """usage: %prog upgrade [ARGS] [DIR] Upgrades an autoinstall to the latest version. This involves updating files the upgrade script associated with this application. If the merge fails, this program will write the number of conflicts and the directory of the conflicted working tree to stdout, separated by a space.""" parser = command.WizardOptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Prints would would be run without changing anything") # notice trailing underscore parser.add_option("--continue", dest="continue_", action="store_true", default=False, help="Continues an upgrade that has had its merge manually " "resolved using the current working directory as the resolved copy.") parser.add_option("--force", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force running upgrade even if it's already at latest version.") parser.add_option("--skip-verification", dest="skip-verification", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip running configuration and web verification checks.") parser.add_option("--non-interactive", dest="non_interactive", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't drop to shell in event of conflict.") parser.add_option("--rr-cache", dest="rr_cache", metavar="PATH", default=None, help="Use this folder to reuse recorded merge resolutions. Defaults to" "your production copy's rr-cache, if it exists.") parser.add_option("--disable-rollback", dest="disable_rollback", action="store_true", default=util.boolish(os.getenv("WIZARD_DISABLE_ROLLBACK")), help="Skips rollback in the event of a failed upgrade. Envvar is WIZARD_DISABLE_ROLLBACK.") baton.push(parser, "srv_path") options, args = parser.parse_all(argv) if len(args) > 1: parser.error("too many arguments") return options, args class Error(command.Error): """Base exception for all exceptions raised by upgrade""" pass class QuotaTooLow(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: The locker quota was too low to complete the autoinstall upgrade. """ class AlreadyUpgraded(Error): quiet = True def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: This autoinstall is already at the latest version.""" class MergeFailed(Error): quiet = True def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Merge failed. Above is the temporary directory that the conflicted merge is in: resolve the merge by cd'ing to the temporary directory, finding conflicted files with `git status`, resolving the files, adding them using `git add` and then running `wizard upgrade --continue`.""" class LocalChangesError(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Local changes occurred in the install while the merge was being processed so that a pull would not result in a fast-forward. The best way to resolve this is probably to attempt an upgrade again, with git rerere to remember merge resolutions (XXX: not sure if this actually works).""" class UnmergedChangesError(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: You attempted to continue an upgrade, but there were still local unmerged changes in your working copy. Please resolve them all and try again.""" class BlacklistedError(Error): #: Reason why the autoinstall was blacklisted reason = None exitcode = errno_blacklisted def __init__(self, reason): self.reason = reason def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: This autoinstall was manually blacklisted against errors; if the user has not been notified of this, please send them mail. The reason was: %s""" % self.reason class CannotResumeError(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: We cannot resume the upgrade process; either this working copy is missing essential metadata, or you've attempt to continue from a production copy that does not have any pending upgrades. """ class VersionRematchFailed(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Your Git version information was not consistent with your files on the system, and we were unable to create a fake merge to make the two consistent.""" class UnknownVersionError(Error): #: Version that we didn't have version = None def __init__(self, version): self.version = version def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: The version you are attempting to upgrade from (%s) is unknown to the repository Wizard is using.""" % str(self.version)