import sqlalchemy import os from wizard import shell # We're going to use sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL as our database # info intermediate object def connect(url): """Convenience method for connecting to a MySQL database.""" engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url) meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData() meta.bind = engine meta.reflect() return meta def fill_url(url): """ If the URL has a database name but no other values, it will use the global configuration, and then try the database name. """ if not url: return None if not url.database: # it's hopeless return url # omitted port and query if any((, url.username, url.password)): # don't try for defaults if a few of these were set return url # this is hook stuff if url.driver == "mysql": try:, url.username, url.password = shell.Shell().eval("/mit/scripts/sql/bin/get-password").split() return url except shell.CallError: pass dsn = os.getenv("WIZARD_DSN") old_url = url url = sqlalchemy.engine.url.make_url(dsn) url.database = old_url.database return url