import optparse import sys import distutils.version import os import shutil import logging.handlers import errno import tempfile import itertools from wizard import app, command, deploy, shell, util def main(argv, baton): options, args = parse_args(argv, baton) if args: dir = args[0] else: dir = "." shell.drop_priviledges(dir, options.log_file) util.chdir(dir) if os.path.exists(".scripts/blacklisted"): raise BlacklistedError() sh = shell.Shell() util.set_git_env() use_shm = False # if you are running --continue, this is guaranteed to be False if options.continue_: temp_wc_dir = os.getcwd() user_commit, next_commit = open(".git/WIZARD_PARENTS", "r").read().split() repo = open(".git/WIZARD_REPO", "r").read() version = open(".git/WIZARD_UPGRADE_VERSION", "r").read() if not options.log_file and os.path.exists(".git/WIZARD_LOG_FILE"): options.log_file = open(".git/WIZARD_LOG_FILE", "r").read() # reload logging command.addFileLogger(options.log_file, options.debug)"Continuing upgrade...") util.chdir(sh.eval("git", "config", "remote.origin.url")) d = deploy.Deployment(".") try:"git", "status") raise LocalChangesError() except shell.CallError: pass else: d = deploy.Deployment(".") d.verify() d.verifyTag(options.srv_path) d.verifyGit(options.srv_path) d.verifyConfigured() d.verifyVersion() if not options.dry_run: d.verifyWeb() repo = d.application.repository(options.srv_path) version = calculate_newest_version(sh, repo) if version == d.app_version.scripts_tag and not options.force: # don't log this error # XXX: maybe we should build this in as a flag to add # to exceptions w/ our exception handler sys.stderr.write("Traceback:\n (n/a)\nAlreadyUpgraded\n") sys.exit(1)"Upgrading %s" % os.getcwd()) if not options.dry_run: perform_pre_commit(sh) # If /dev/shm exists, it's a tmpfs and we can use it # to do a fast git merge. Don't forget to move it to # /tmp if it fails. # XXX: git merge-tree is another possibility for # reducing filesystem interactions, and also probably # works better with extra merging functionality. However, # I don't know how I would put the results back in the # working tree. use_shm = os.path.exists("/dev/shm") temp_dir, temp_wc_dir = perform_tmp_clone(sh, use_shm) with util.ChangeDirectory(temp_wc_dir):"git", "remote", "add", "scripts", repo)"git", "fetch", "-q", "scripts") user_commit, next_commit = calculate_parents(sh, version) # save variables so that --continue will work # yeah yeah no trailing newline whatever open(".git/WIZARD_REPO", "w").write(repo) open(".git/WIZARD_UPGRADE_VERSION", "w").write(version) open(".git/WIZARD_PARENTS", "w").write("%s\n%s" % (user_commit, next_commit)) if options.log_file: open(".git/WIZARD_LOG_FILE", "w").write(options.log_file) perform_merge(sh, repo, d, version, use_shm) # variables: version, user_commit, next_commit, temp_wc_dir with util.ChangeDirectory(temp_wc_dir): try:"git", "status")"git", "commit", "-m", "throw-away commit") except shell.CallError: pass message = make_commit_message(version) new_tree = sh.eval("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD^{tree}") final_commit = sh.eval("git", "commit-tree", new_tree, "-p", user_commit, "-p", next_commit, input=message, log=True) # a master branch may not necessarily exist if the user # was manually installed to an earlier version try:"git", "checkout", "-q", "-b", "master", "--") except shell.CallError:"git", "checkout", "-q", "master", "--")"git", "reset", "-q", "--hard", final_commit) # This is a quick sanity check to make sure we didn't completely # mess up the merge d.verifyVersion() # Till now, all of our operations were in a tmp sandbox. if options.dry_run:"Dry run, bailing. See results at %s" % temp_wc_dir) return # perform database backup backup = d.backup(options) # XXX: frob .htaccess to make site inaccessible with util.IgnoreKeyboardInterrupts(): with util.LockDirectory(".scripts-upgrade-lock"): # git merge (which performs a fast forward)"git", "pull", "-q", temp_wc_dir, "master") # after the pull is successful, the directory now # has the objects for this commit, so we can safely # nuke the shm directory. We refrain from nuking the # tmp directory in case we messed up the merge resolution # and want to be able to use it again. if use_shm: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) version_obj = distutils.version.LooseVersion(version.partition('-')[2]) try: # run update script d.upgrade(version_obj, options) d.verifyWeb() except app.UpgradeFailure: logging.warning("Upgrade failed: rolling back") perform_restore(d, backup) raise except deploy.WebVerificationError as e: logging.warning("Web verification failed: rolling back")"Web page that was output was:\n\n%s" % e.contents) perform_restore(d, backup) raise app.UpgradeVerificationFailure("Upgrade caused website to become inaccessible; site was rolled back") # XXX: frob .htaccess to make site accessible # to do this, check if .htaccess changed, first. Upgrade # process might have frobbed it. Don't be # particularly worried if the segment disappeared def perform_restore(d, backup): # You don't want d.restore() because it doesn't perform # the file level backup shell.Shell().call("wizard", "restore", backup) try: d.verifyWeb() except deploy.WebVerificationError: logging.critical("Web verification failed after rollback") def make_commit_message(version): message = "Upgraded autoinstall in %s to %s.\n\n%s" % (util.get_dir_owner(), version, util.get_git_footer()) try: message += "\nUpgraded-by: " + util.get_operator_git() except util.NoOperatorInfo: pass return message def calculate_newest_version(sh, repo): # XXX: put this in Application return sh.eval("git", "--git-dir="+repo, "describe", "--tags", "master") def calculate_parents(sh, version): user_commit = sh.eval("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD") next_commit = sh.eval("git", "rev-parse", version) return user_commit, next_commit def perform_pre_commit(sh): message = "Pre-commit of %s locker before autoinstall upgrade.\n\n%s" % (util.get_dir_owner(), util.get_git_footer()) try: message += "\nPre-commit-by: " + util.get_operator_git() except util.NoOperatorInfo: pass try:"git", "commit", "-a", "-m", message) except shell.CallError:"No changes detected") def perform_tmp_clone(sh, use_shm): if use_shm: dir = "/dev/shm/wizard" if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) else: dir = None temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wizard", dir=dir) temp_wc_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "repo")"Using temporary directory: " + temp_wc_dir)"git", "clone", "-q", "--shared", ".", temp_wc_dir) return temp_dir, temp_wc_dir def perform_merge(sh, repo, d, version, use_shm): # naive merge algorithm: #"git", "merge", "-m", message, "scripts/master") # crazy merge algorithm: def make_virtual_commit(tag, parents = []): """WARNING: Changes state of Git repository""""git", "checkout", "-q", tag, "--") d.parametrize(".") for file in d.application.parametrized_files: try:"git", "add", "--", file) except shell.CallError: pass virtual_tree = sh.eval("git", "write-tree", log=True) parent_args = itertools.chain(*(["-p", p] for p in parents)) virtual_commit = sh.eval("git", "commit-tree", virtual_tree, *parent_args, input="", log=True)"git", "reset", "--hard") return virtual_commit user_tree = sh.eval("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD^{tree}") base_virtual_commit = make_virtual_commit(d.app_version.scripts_tag) next_virtual_commit = make_virtual_commit(version, [base_virtual_commit]) user_virtual_commit = sh.eval("git", "commit-tree", user_tree, "-p", base_virtual_commit, input="", log=True)"git", "checkout", user_virtual_commit, "--") try:"git", "merge", next_virtual_commit) except shell.CallError as e: conflicts = e.stderr.count("CONFLICT") # not perfect, if there is a file named CONFLICT"Merge failed with these messages:\n\n" + e.stderr) # Run the application's specific merge resolution algorithms # and see if we can salvage it curdir = os.getcwd() if d.application.resolveConflicts(curdir):"Resolved conflicts with application specific knowledge")"git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "merge") return # XXX: Maybe should recalculate conflicts"Conflict info:\n" + sh.eval("git", "diff")) if use_shm: # Keeping all of our autoinstalls in shared memory is # a recipe for disaster, so let's move them to slightly # less volatile storage (a temporary directory) os.chdir(tempfile.gettempdir()) newdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wizard") # shutil, not os; at least on Ubuntu os.move fails # with "[Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link" shutil.move(curdir, newdir) shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(curdir)) curdir = os.path.join(newdir, "repo") print "%d %s" % (conflicts, curdir) raise MergeFailed def parse_args(argv, baton): usage = """usage: %prog upgrade [ARGS] [DIR] Upgrades an autoinstall to the latest version. This involves updating files and running .scripts/update. If the merge fails, this program will write the number of conflicts and the directory of the conflicted working tree to stdout, separated by a space.""" parser = command.WizardOptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Prints would would be run without changing anything") # notice trailing underscore parser.add_option("--continue", dest="continue_", action="store_true", default=False, help="Continues an upgrade that has had its merge manually " "resolved using the current working directory as the resolved copy.") parser.add_option("--force", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force running upgrade even if it's already at latest version.") baton.push(parser, "srv_path") options, args = parser.parse_all(argv) if len(args) > 1: parser.error("too many arguments") return options, args class Error(command.Error): """Base exception for all exceptions raised by upgrade""" pass class AlreadyUpgraded(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: This autoinstall is already at the latest version.""" class MergeFailed(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Merge failed. Resolve the merge by cd'ing to the temporary directory, finding conflicted files with `git status`, resolving the files, adding them using `git add` and then running `wizard upgrade --continue`.""" class LocalChangesError(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: Local changes occurred in the install while the merge was being processed so that a pull would not result in a fast-forward. The best way to resolve this is probably to attempt an upgrade again, with git rerere to remember merge resolutions (XXX: not sure if this actually works).""" class BlacklistedError(Error): def __str__(self): return """ ERROR: This autoinstall was manually blacklisted against errors; if the user has not been notified of this, please send them mail."""