Wizard is the new autoinstaller management system for scripts.mit.edu. It resides on not-backward.mit.edu at: /wizard Developers, read on: == Compatibility == This is Python 2.6 only! == Module overview == - deploy: object model for autoinstall deployments, applications and versions - shell: subprocess wrapper that does logging, error handling and asynchronous processing - sset: "serialized set", use in a mass* command for tracking what installs have already been seen and successfully processed - util: miscellaneous utility functions, right now mostly one-off parsing and convenience wrappers == 'command' package == To add a new command to wizard, you need to touch the following locations: - bin/wizard Add a line describing your command in the helpstring - wizard/command/commandname.py Implement your command there as main(). Copy the function signature and scaffolding from another file; it's non-trivial As a command file, you're expected to have a main() and parse_args() function. Try to keep main() one to two page function that can be browsed for a descriptive overview of what the command does internally. Use helper functions liberally. Place all error classes at the bottom. == 'app' package == There is a certain amount of application specific code that needs to be written for each autoinstaller. These go here. == Notes when fiddling with application repositories == - 'git rebase -p -i' is your friend. Use it to rewrite history! - The obvious scripts specific change that a new repository will have are the patches, but you should also check the autoinstall scripts if they do anything special. In particular: - If it's a PHP application, it's probably inserting a php.ini file and creating symlinks to it. Be sure to replace the appropriate values with placeholders WIZARD_SESSIONNAME and WIZARD_TMPDIR - You will probably need to generate relevant configuration files for each version == Design decisions == - A mass tool will plow ahead even if the subcommand throws Wizard errors. Normal errors will cause us to halt completely. If the error that occured is within the realm of possibly, and should be dealt with by manual intervention (or even possibly a code change), and would not cause harm if we continued going, we will keep going, and let the maintainer deal later on with the errors en masse. - We use the Google Python style guide. See: http://code.google.com/p/soc/wiki/PythonStyleGuide