]> scripts.mit.edu Git - autoinstallsdev/wordpress.git/blob - wp-admin/edit-link-form.php
[autoinstallsdev/wordpress.git] / wp-admin / edit-link-form.php
1 <?php
2 if ( ! empty($link_id) ) {
3         $editing = true;
4         $heading = __('Edit a link:');
5         $submit_text = __('Save Changes &raquo;');
6         $form = '<form action="" method="post" name="editlink" id="editlink">'; 
7         $nonce_action = 'update-bookmark_' . $link_id;
8 } else {
9         $editing = false;
10         $heading = __('<strong>Add</strong> a link:');
11         $submit_text = __('Add Link &raquo;');
12         $form = '<form name="addlink" method="post" action="link-manager.php">';
13         $nonce_action = 'add-bookmark';
14 }
16 function xfn_check($class, $value = '', $type = 'check') {
17         global $link;
19         $link_rel = $link->link_rel;
20         $rels = preg_split('/\s+/', $link_rel);
22         if ('' != $value && in_array($value, $rels) ) {
23                 echo ' checked="checked"';
24         }
26         if ('' == $value) {
27                 if ('family' == $class && !strstr($link_rel, 'child') && !strstr($link_rel, 'parent') && !strstr($link_rel, 'sibling') && !strstr($link_rel, 'spouse') && !strstr($link_rel, 'kin')) echo ' checked="checked"';
28                 if ('friendship' == $class && !strstr($link_rel, 'friend') && !strstr($link_rel, 'acquaintance') && !strstr($link_rel, 'contact') ) echo ' checked="checked"';
29                 if ('geographical' == $class && !strstr($link_rel, 'co-resident') && !strstr($link_rel, 'neighbor') ) echo ' checked="checked"';
30                 if ('identity' == $class && in_array('me', $rels) ) echo ' checked="checked"';
31         }
32 }
34 ?>
36 <div class="wrap"> 
37   <?php echo $form ?>
38   <?php wp_nonce_field($nonce_action); ?>
39   <h2><?php echo $heading ?></h2>
40 <fieldset class="options">
41     <legend><?php _e('Basics') ?></legend>
42         <table class="editform" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">
43          <tr>
44            <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('URI:') ?></th>
45            <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="link_url" value="<?php echo $link->link_url; ?>" style="width: 95%;" /></td>
46          </tr>
47          <tr>
48            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Link Name:') ?></th>
49            <td><input type="text" name="link_name" value="<?php echo $link->link_name; ?>" style="width: 95%" /></td>
50          </tr>
51          <tr>
52             <th scope="row"><?php _e('Short description:') ?></th>
53                 <td><input type="text" name="link_description" value="<?php echo $link->link_description; ?>" style="width: 95%" /></td>
54                 </tr>
55         <tr>
56            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Category:') ?></th>
57            <td><?php link_category_dropdown('link_category', $link->link_category); ?></td>
58          </tr>
59 </table>
60 </fieldset>
61        <p class="submit">
62        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $submit_text ?>" />
63        </p>
64         <fieldset class="options">
65         <legend><?php _e('Link Relationship (XFN)') ?></legend>
66         <table class="editform" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">
67             <tr>
68                 <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('rel:') ?></th>
69                 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="link_rel" id="link_rel" size="50" value="<?php echo $link->link_rel; ?>" /></td>
70                 </tr>
71             <tr>
72                 <th scope="row"><?php _e('<a href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/">XFN</a> Creator:') ?></th>
73                 <td>
74                                         <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5">
75                   <tr>
76               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('identity') ?> </th>
77               <td>
78                 <label for="me">
79                 <input type="checkbox" name="identity" value="me" id="me" <?php xfn_check('identity', 'me'); ?> />
80           <?php _e('another web address of mine') ?></label>
81               </td>
82             </tr>
83             <tr>
84               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('friendship') ?> </th>
85               <td>
86                             <label for="contact">
87                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="contact" id="contact" <?php xfn_check('friendship', 'contact', 'radio'); ?> /> <?php _e('contact') ?></label>
88                 <label for="acquaintance">
89                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="acquaintance" id="acquaintance" <?php xfn_check('friendship', 'acquaintance', 'radio'); ?> />  <?php _e('acquaintance') ?></label>
90                 <label for="friend">
91                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="friend" id="friend" <?php xfn_check('friendship', 'friend', 'radio'); ?> /> <?php _e('friend') ?></label>
92                 <label for="friendship">
93                 <input name="friendship" type="radio" class="valinp" value="" id="friendship" <?php xfn_check('friendship', '', 'radio'); ?> /> <?php _e('none') ?></label>
94               </td>
95             </tr>
96             <tr>
97               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('physical') ?> </th>
98               <td>
99                 <label for="met">
100                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="physical" value="met" id="met" <?php xfn_check('physical', 'met'); ?> />
101           <?php _e('met') ?></label>
102               </td>
103             </tr>
104             <tr>
105               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('professional') ?> </th>
106               <td>
107                 <label for="co-worker">
108                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="professional" value="co-worker" id="co-worker" <?php xfn_check('professional', 'co-worker'); ?> />
109           <?php _e('co-worker') ?></label>
110                 <label for="colleague">
111                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="professional" value="colleague" id="colleague" <?php xfn_check('professional', 'colleague'); ?> />
112           <?php _e('colleague') ?></label>
113               </td>
114             </tr>
115             <tr>
116               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('geographical') ?> </th>
117               <td>
118                 <label for="co-resident">
119                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="geographical" value="co-resident" id="co-resident" <?php xfn_check('geographical', 'co-resident', 'radio'); ?> />
120           <?php _e('co-resident') ?></label>
121                 <label for="neighbor">
122                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="geographical" value="neighbor" id="neighbor" <?php xfn_check('geographical', 'neighbor', 'radio'); ?> />
123           <?php _e('neighbor') ?></label>
124                 <label for="geographical">
125                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="geographical" value="" id="geographical" <?php xfn_check('geographical', '', 'radio'); ?> />
126           <?php _e('none') ?></label>
127               </td>
128             </tr>
129             <tr>
130               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('family') ?> </th>
131               <td>
132                 <label for="child">
133                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="child" id="child" <?php xfn_check('family', 'child', 'radio'); ?>  />
134           <?php _e('child') ?></label>
135                 <label for="kin">
136                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="kin" id="kin" <?php xfn_check('family', 'kin', 'radio'); ?>  />
137           <?php _e('kin') ?></label>
138                 <label for="parent">
139                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="parent" id="parent" <?php xfn_check('family', 'parent', 'radio'); ?> />
140           <?php _e('parent') ?></label>
141                 <label for="sibling">
142                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="sibling" id="sibling" <?php xfn_check('family', 'sibling', 'radio'); ?> />
143           <?php _e('sibling') ?></label>
144                 <label for="spouse">
145                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="spouse" id="spouse" <?php xfn_check('family', 'spouse', 'radio'); ?> />
146           <?php _e('spouse') ?></label>
147                 <label for="family">
148                 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="" id="family" <?php xfn_check('family', '', 'radio'); ?> />
149           <?php _e('none') ?></label>
150               </td>
151             </tr>
152             <tr>
153               <th scope="row"> <?php _e('romantic') ?> </th>
154               <td>
155                 <label for="muse">
156                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="muse" id="muse" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'muse'); ?> />
157          <?php _e('muse') ?></label>
158                 <label for="crush">
159                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="crush" id="crush" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'crush'); ?> />
160          <?php _e('crush') ?></label>
161                 <label for="date">
162                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="date" id="date" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'date'); ?> />
163          <?php _e('date') ?></label>
164                 <label for="romantic">
165                 <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="sweetheart" id="romantic" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'sweetheart'); ?> />
166          <?php _e('sweetheart') ?></label>
167               </td>
168             </tr>
169         </table>
170                   </td>
171                 </tr>
172 </table>
173 </fieldset>
174        <p class="submit">
175        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $submit_text ?>" />
176        </p>
177 <fieldset class="options">
178         <legend><?php _e('Advanced') ?></legend>
179         <table class="editform" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">
180          <tr>
181            <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('Image URI:') ?></th>
182            <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="link_image" size="50" value="<?php echo $link->link_image; ?>" style="width: 95%" /></td>
183          </tr>
184 <tr>
185            <th scope="row"><?php _e('RSS URI:') ?> </th>
186            <td><input name="link_rss" type="text" id="rss_uri" value="<?php echo $link->link_rss; ?>" size="50" style="width: 95%" /></td>
187          </tr>
188          <tr>
189            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Notes:') ?></th>
190            <td><textarea name="link_notes" cols="50" rows="10" style="width: 95%"><?php echo $link->link_notes; ?></textarea></td>
191          </tr>
192          <tr>
193            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Rating:') ?></th>
194            <td><select name="link_rating" size="1">
195 <?php
196     for ($r = 0; $r < 10; $r++) {
197       echo('            <option value="'.$r.'" ');
198       if ($link->link_rating == $r)
199         echo 'selected="selected"';
200       echo('>'.$r.'</option>');
201     }
202 ?>
203            </select>
204          &nbsp;<?php _e('(Leave at 0 for no rating.)') ?> </td>
205          </tr>
206          <tr>
207            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Target') ?></th>
208            <td><label>
209           <input type="radio" name="link_target" value="_blank"   <?php echo(($link->link_target == '_blank') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
210           <code>_blank</code></label><br />
211 <label>
212 <input type="radio" name="link_target" value="_top" <?php echo(($link->link_target == '_top') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
213 <code>_top</code></label><br />
214 <label>
215 <input type="radio" name="link_target" value=""     <?php echo(($link->link_target == '') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
216 <?php _e('none') ?></label><br />
217 <?php _e('(Note that the <code>target</code> attribute is illegal in XHTML 1.1 and 1.0 Strict.)') ?></td>
218          </tr>
219          <tr>
220            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Visible:') ?></th>
221            <td><label>
222              <input type="radio" name="link_visible" <?php if ($link->link_visible == 'Y') echo "checked='checked'"; ?> value="Y" />
223 <?php _e('Yes') ?></label><br /><label>
224 <input type="radio" name="link_visible" <?php if ($link->link_visible == 'N') echo "checked='checked'"; ?> value="N" />
225 <?php _e('No') ?></label></td>
226          </tr>
227 </table>
228 </fieldset>
229 <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $submit_text ?>" /></p>
230 <?php if ( $editing ) : ?>
231           <input type="hidden" name="action" value="editlink" />
232           <input type="hidden" name="link_id" value="<?php echo (int) $link_id; ?>" />
233           <input type="hidden" name="order_by" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($order_by, 1); ?>" />
234           <input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="<?php echo (int) $cat_id ?>" />
235 <?php else: ?>
236         <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Add" />
237 <?php endif; ?>
238 </form> 
239 </div>