* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; /** * Handler sending logs to browser's javascript console with no browser extension required * * @author Olivier Poitrey */ class BrowserConsoleHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { protected static $initialized = false; protected static $records = array(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Formatted output may contain some formatting markers to be transferred to `console.log` using the %c format. * * Example of formatted string: * * You can do [[blue text]]{color: blue} or [[green background]]{background-color: green; color: white} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter() { return new LineFormatter('[[%channel%]]{macro: autolabel} [[%level_name%]]{font-weight: bold} %message%'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record) { // Accumulate records self::$records[] = $record; // Register shutdown handler if not already done if (!self::$initialized) { self::$initialized = true; $this->registerShutdownFunction(); } } /** * Convert records to javascript console commands and send it to the browser. * This method is automatically called on PHP shutdown if output is HTML or Javascript. */ public static function send() { $format = self::getResponseFormat(); if ($format === 'unknown') { return; } if (count(self::$records)) { if ($format === 'html') { self::writeOutput(''); } elseif ($format === 'js') { self::writeOutput(self::generateScript()); } self::reset(); } } /** * Forget all logged records */ public static function reset() { self::$records = array(); } /** * Wrapper for register_shutdown_function to allow overriding */ protected function registerShutdownFunction() { if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { register_shutdown_function(array('Monolog\Handler\BrowserConsoleHandler', 'send')); } } /** * Wrapper for echo to allow overriding * * @param string $str */ protected static function writeOutput($str) { echo $str; } /** * Checks the format of the response * * If Content-Type is set to application/javascript or text/javascript -> js * If Content-Type is set to text/html, or is unset -> html * If Content-Type is anything else -> unknown * * @return string One of 'js', 'html' or 'unknown' */ protected static function getResponseFormat() { // Check content type foreach (headers_list() as $header) { if (stripos($header, 'content-type:') === 0) { // This handler only works with HTML and javascript outputs // text/javascript is obsolete in favour of application/javascript, but still used if (stripos($header, 'application/javascript') !== false || stripos($header, 'text/javascript') !== false) { return 'js'; } if (stripos($header, 'text/html') === false) { return 'unknown'; } break; } } return 'html'; } private static function generateScript() { $script = array(); foreach (self::$records as $record) { $context = self::dump('Context', $record['context']); $extra = self::dump('Extra', $record['extra']); if (empty($context) && empty($extra)) { $script[] = self::call_array('log', self::handleStyles($record['formatted'])); } else { $script = array_merge($script, array(self::call_array('groupCollapsed', self::handleStyles($record['formatted']))), $context, $extra, array(self::call('groupEnd')) ); } } return "(function (c) {if (c && c.groupCollapsed) {\n" . implode("\n", $script) . "\n}})(console);"; } private static function handleStyles($formatted) { $args = array(self::quote('font-weight: normal')); $format = '%c' . $formatted; preg_match_all('/\[\[(.*?)\]\]\{([^}]*)\}/s', $format, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach (array_reverse($matches) as $match) { $args[] = self::quote(self::handleCustomStyles($match[2][0], $match[1][0])); $args[] = '"font-weight: normal"'; $pos = $match[0][1]; $format = substr($format, 0, $pos) . '%c' . $match[1][0] . '%c' . substr($format, $pos + strlen($match[0][0])); } array_unshift($args, self::quote($format)); return $args; } private static function handleCustomStyles($style, $string) { static $colors = array('blue', 'green', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange', 'black', 'grey'); static $labels = array(); return preg_replace_callback('/macro\s*:(.*?)(?:;|$)/', function ($m) use ($string, &$colors, &$labels) { if (trim($m[1]) === 'autolabel') { // Format the string as a label with consistent auto assigned background color if (!isset($labels[$string])) { $labels[$string] = $colors[count($labels) % count($colors)]; } $color = $labels[$string]; return "background-color: $color; color: white; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 2px 0 2px"; } return $m[1]; }, $style); } private static function dump($title, array $dict) { $script = array(); $dict = array_filter($dict); if (empty($dict)) { return $script; } $script[] = self::call('log', self::quote('%c%s'), self::quote('font-weight: bold'), self::quote($title)); foreach ($dict as $key => $value) { $value = json_encode($value); if (empty($value)) { $value = self::quote(''); } $script[] = self::call('log', self::quote('%s: %o'), self::quote($key), $value); } return $script; } private static function quote($arg) { return '"' . addcslashes($arg, "\"\n\\") . '"'; } private static function call() { $args = func_get_args(); $method = array_shift($args); return self::call_array($method, $args); } private static function call_array($method, array $args) { return 'c.' . $method . '(' . implode(', ', $args) . ');'; } }