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num ) + num = 20; + + this.st += num; + this.total = total; + $('#commentsdiv .spinner').show(); + + data = { + 'action' : 'get-comments', + 'mode' : 'single', + '_ajax_nonce' : $('#add_comment_nonce').val(), + 'p' : $('#post_ID').val(), + 'start' : st, + 'number' : num + }; + + $.post(ajaxurl, data, + function(r) { + r = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r); + $('#commentsdiv .widefat').show(); + $('#commentsdiv .spinner').hide(); + + if ( 'object' == typeof r && r.responses[0] ) { + $('#the-comment-list').append( r.responses[0].data ); + + theList = theExtraList = null; + $( 'a[className*=\':\']' ).unbind(); + + if ( commentsBox.st > commentsBox.total ) + $('#show-comments').hide(); + else + $('#show-comments').show().children('a').html(postL10n.showcomm); + + return; + } else if ( 1 == r ) { + $('#show-comments').html(postL10n.endcomm); + return; + } + + $('#the-comment-list').append(''+wpAjax.broken+''); + } + ); + + return false; + } +}; + +WPSetThumbnailHTML = function(html){ + $('.inside', '#postimagediv').html(html); +}; + +WPSetThumbnailID = function(id){ + var field = $('input[value="_thumbnail_id"]', '#list-table'); + if ( field.size() > 0 ) { + $('#meta\\[' + field.attr('id').match(/[0-9]+/) + '\\]\\[value\\]').text(id); + } +}; + +WPRemoveThumbnail = function(nonce){ + $.post(ajaxurl, { + action: 'set-post-thumbnail', post_id: $( '#post_ID' ).val(), thumbnail_id: -1, _ajax_nonce: nonce, cookie: encodeURIComponent( document.cookie ) + }, function(str){ + if ( str == '0' ) { + alert( setPostThumbnailL10n.error ); + } else { + WPSetThumbnailHTML(str); + } + } + ); +}; + +$(document).on( 'heartbeat-send.refresh-lock', function( e, data ) { + var lock = $('#active_post_lock').val(), + post_id = $('#post_ID').val(), + send = {}; + + if ( ! post_id || ! $('#post-lock-dialog').length ) + return; + + send.post_id = post_id; + + if ( lock ) + send.lock = lock; + + data['wp-refresh-post-lock'] = send; + +}).on( 'heartbeat-tick.refresh-lock', function( e, data ) { + // Post locks: update the lock string or show the dialog if somebody has taken over editing + var received, wrap, avatar; + + if ( data['wp-refresh-post-lock'] ) { + received = data['wp-refresh-post-lock']; + + if ( received.lock_error ) { + // show "editing taken over" message + wrap = $('#post-lock-dialog'); + + if ( wrap.length && ! wrap.is(':visible') ) { + if ( wp.autosave ) { + // Save the latest changes and disable + $(document).one( 'heartbeat-tick', function() { + wp.autosave.server.suspend(); + wrap.removeClass('saving').addClass('saved'); + $(window).off( 'beforeunload.edit-post' ); + }); + + wrap.addClass('saving'); + wp.autosave.server.triggerSave(); + } + + if ( received.lock_error.avatar_src ) { + avatar = $('').attr( 'src', received.lock_error.avatar_src.replace(/&/g, '&') ); + wrap.find('div.post-locked-avatar').empty().append( avatar ); + } + + wrap.show().find('.currently-editing').text( received.lock_error.text ); + wrap.find('.wp-tab-first').focus(); + } + } else if ( received.new_lock ) { + $('#active_post_lock').val( received.new_lock ); + } + } +}).on( 'before-autosave.update-post-slug', function() { + titleHasFocus = document.activeElement && document.activeElement.id === 'title'; +}).on( 'after-autosave.update-post-slug', function() { + // Create slug area only if not already there + // and the title field was not focused (user was not typing a title) when autosave ran + if ( ! $('#edit-slug-box > *').length && ! titleHasFocus ) { + $.post( ajaxurl, { + action: 'sample-permalink', + post_id: $('#post_ID').val(), + new_title: $('#title').val(), + samplepermalinknonce: $('#samplepermalinknonce').val() + }, + function( data ) { + if ( data != '-1' ) { + $('#edit-slug-box').html(data); + } + } + ); + } +}); + +}(jQuery)); + +(function($) { + var check, timeout; + + function schedule() { + check = false; + window.clearTimeout( timeout ); + timeout = window.setTimeout( function(){ check = true; }, 300000 ); + } + + $(document).on( 'heartbeat-send.wp-refresh-nonces', function( e, data ) { + var nonce, post_id; + + if ( check ) { + if ( ( post_id = $('#post_ID').val() ) && ( nonce = $('#_wpnonce').val() ) ) { + data['wp-refresh-post-nonces'] = { + post_id: post_id, + post_nonce: nonce + }; + } + } + }).on( 'heartbeat-tick.wp-refresh-nonces', function( e, data ) { + var nonces = data['wp-refresh-post-nonces']; + + if ( nonces ) { + schedule(); + + if ( nonces.replace ) { + $.each( nonces.replace, function( selector, value ) { + $( '#' + selector ).val( value ); + }); + } + + if ( nonces.heartbeatNonce ) + window.heartbeatSettings.nonce = nonces.heartbeatNonce; + } + }).ready( function() { + schedule(); + }); +}(jQuery)); + +jQuery(document).ready( function($) { + var stamp, visibility, $submitButtons, updateVisibility, updateText, + sticky = '', + last = 0, + co = $('#content'), + $document = $(document), + $editSlugWrap = $('#edit-slug-box'), + postId = $('#post_ID').val() || 0, + $submitpost = $('#submitpost'), + releaseLock = true, + $postVisibilitySelect = $('#post-visibility-select'), + $timestampdiv = $('#timestampdiv'), + $postStatusSelect = $('#post-status-select'); + + postboxes.add_postbox_toggles(pagenow); + + // Clear the window name. Otherwise if this is a former preview window where the user navigated to edit another post, + // and the first post is still being edited, clicking Preview there will use this window to show the preview. + window.name = ''; + + // Post locks: contain focus inside the dialog. If the dialog is shown, focus the first item. + $('#post-lock-dialog .notification-dialog').on( 'keydown', function(e) { + if ( e.which != 9 ) + return; + + var target = $(e.target); + + if ( target.hasClass('wp-tab-first') && e.shiftKey ) { + $(this).find('.wp-tab-last').focus(); + e.preventDefault(); + } else if ( target.hasClass('wp-tab-last') && ! e.shiftKey ) { + $(this).find('.wp-tab-first').focus(); + e.preventDefault(); + } + }).filter(':visible').find('.wp-tab-first').focus(); + + // Set the heartbeat interval to 15 sec. if post lock dialogs are enabled + if ( wp.heartbeat && $('#post-lock-dialog').length ) { + wp.heartbeat.interval( 15 ); + } + + // The form is being submitted by the user + $submitButtons = $submitpost.find( ':submit, a.submitdelete, #post-preview' ).on( 'click.edit-post', function( event ) { + var $button = $(this); + + if ( $button.hasClass('disabled') ) { + event.preventDefault(); + return; + } + + if ( $button.hasClass('submitdelete') || $button.is( '#post-preview' ) ) { + return; + } + + // The form submission can be blocked from JS or by using HTML 5.0 validation on some fields. + // Run this only on an actual 'submit'. + $('form#post').off( 'submit.edit-post' ).on( 'submit.edit-post', function( event ) { + if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { + return; + } + + // Stop autosave + if ( wp.autosave ) { + wp.autosave.server.suspend(); + } + + releaseLock = false; + $(window).off( 'beforeunload.edit-post' ); + + $submitButtons.addClass( 'disabled' ); + + if ( $button.attr('id') === 'publish' ) { + $submitpost.find('#major-publishing-actions .spinner').show(); + } else { + $submitpost.find('#minor-publishing .spinner').show(); + } + }); + }); + + // Submit the form saving a draft or an autosave, and show a preview in a new tab + $('#post-preview').on( 'click.post-preview', function( event ) { + var $this = $(this), + $form = $('form#post'), + $previewField = $('input#wp-preview'), + target = $this.attr('target') || 'wp-preview', + ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); + + event.preventDefault(); + + if ( $this.hasClass('disabled') ) { + return; + } + + if ( wp.autosave ) { + wp.autosave.server.tempBlockSave(); + } + + $previewField.val('dopreview'); + $form.attr( 'target', target ).submit().attr( 'target', '' ); + + // Workaround for WebKit bug preventing a form submitting twice to the same action. + // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28633 + if ( ua.indexOf('safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('chrome') === -1 ) { + $form.attr( 'action', function( index, value ) { + return value + '?t=' + ( new Date() ).getTime(); + }); + } + + $previewField.val(''); + }); + + // This code is meant to allow tabbing from Title to Post content. + $('#title').on( 'keydown.editor-focus', function( event ) { + var editor, $textarea; + + if ( event.keyCode === 9 && ! event.ctrlKey && ! event.altKey && ! event.shiftKey ) { + editor = typeof tinymce != 'undefined' && tinymce.get('content'); + $textarea = $('#content'); + + if ( editor && ! editor.isHidden() ) { + editor.focus(); + } else if ( $textarea.length ) { + $textarea.focus(); + } else { + return; + } + + event.preventDefault(); + } + }); + + // Autosave new posts after a title is typed + if ( $( '#auto_draft' ).val() ) { + $( '#title' ).blur( function() { + var cancel; + + if ( ! this.value || $('#edit-slug-box > *').length ) { + return; + } + + // Cancel the autosave when the blur was triggered by the user submitting the form + $('form#post').one( 'submit', function() { + cancel = true; + }); + + window.setTimeout( function() { + if ( ! cancel && wp.autosave ) { + wp.autosave.server.triggerSave(); + } + }, 200 ); + }); + } + + $document.on( 'autosave-disable-buttons.edit-post', function() { + $submitButtons.addClass( 'disabled' ); + }).on( 'autosave-enable-buttons.edit-post', function() { + if ( ! wp.heartbeat || ! wp.heartbeat.hasConnectionError() ) { + $submitButtons.removeClass( 'disabled' ); + } + }).on( 'before-autosave.edit-post', function() { + $( '.autosave-message' ).text( postL10n.savingText ); + }).on( 'after-autosave.edit-post', function( event, data ) { + $( '.autosave-message' ).text( data.message ); + }); + + $(window).on( 'beforeunload.edit-post', function() { + var editor = typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' && tinymce.get('content'); + + if ( ( editor && ! editor.isHidden() && editor.isDirty() ) || + ( wp.autosave && wp.autosave.server.postChanged() ) ) { + + return postL10n.saveAlert; + } + }).on( 'unload.edit-post', function( event ) { + if ( ! releaseLock ) { + return; + } + + // Unload is triggered (by hand) on removing the Thickbox iframe. + // Make sure we process only the main document unload. + if ( event.target && event.target.nodeName != '#document' ) { + return; + } + + $.ajax({ + type: 'POST', + url: ajaxurl, + async: false, + data: { + action: 'wp-remove-post-lock', + _wpnonce: $('#_wpnonce').val(), + post_ID: $('#post_ID').val(), + active_post_lock: $('#active_post_lock').val() + } + }); + }); + + // multi-taxonomies + if ( $('#tagsdiv-post_tag').length ) { + tagBox.init(); + } else { + $('#side-sortables, #normal-sortables, #advanced-sortables').children('div.postbox').each(function(){ + if ( this.id.indexOf('tagsdiv-') === 0 ) { + tagBox.init(); + return false; + } + }); + } + + // categories + $('.categorydiv').each( function(){ + var this_id = $(this).attr('id'), catAddBefore, catAddAfter, taxonomyParts, taxonomy, settingName; + + taxonomyParts = this_id.split('-'); + taxonomyParts.shift(); + taxonomy = taxonomyParts.join('-'); + settingName = taxonomy + '_tab'; + if ( taxonomy == 'category' ) + settingName = 'cats'; + + // TODO: move to jQuery 1.3+, support for multiple hierarchical taxonomies, see wp-lists.js + $('a', '#' + taxonomy + '-tabs').click( function(){ + var t = $(this).attr('href'); + $(this).parent().addClass('tabs').siblings('li').removeClass('tabs'); + $('#' + taxonomy + '-tabs').siblings('.tabs-panel').hide(); + $(t).show(); + if ( '#' + taxonomy + '-all' == t ) + deleteUserSetting( settingName ); + else + setUserSetting( settingName, 'pop' ); + return false; + }); + + if ( getUserSetting( settingName ) ) + $('a[href="#' + taxonomy + '-pop"]', '#' + taxonomy + '-tabs').click(); + + // Ajax Cat + $( '#new' + taxonomy ).one( 'focus', function() { $( this ).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' ); } ); + + $('#new' + taxonomy).keypress( function(event){ + if( 13 === event.keyCode ) { + event.preventDefault(); + $('#' + taxonomy + '-add-submit').click(); + } + }); + $('#' + taxonomy + '-add-submit').click( function(){ $('#new' + taxonomy).focus(); }); + + catAddBefore = function( s ) { + if ( !$('#new'+taxonomy).val() ) + return false; + s.data += '&' + $( ':checked', '#'+taxonomy+'checklist' ).serialize(); + $( '#' + taxonomy + '-add-submit' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); + return s; + }; + + catAddAfter = function( r, s ) { + var sup, drop = $('#new'+taxonomy+'_parent'); + + $( '#' + taxonomy + '-add-submit' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); + if ( 'undefined' != s.parsed.responses[0] && (sup = s.parsed.responses[0].supplemental.newcat_parent) ) { + drop.before(sup); + drop.remove(); + } + }; + + $('#' + taxonomy + 'checklist').wpList({ + alt: '', + response: taxonomy + '-ajax-response', + addBefore: catAddBefore, + addAfter: catAddAfter + }); + + $('#' + taxonomy + '-add-toggle').click( function() { + $('#' + taxonomy + '-adder').toggleClass( 'wp-hidden-children' ); + $('a[href="#' + taxonomy + '-all"]', '#' + taxonomy + '-tabs').click(); + $('#new'+taxonomy).focus(); + return false; + }); + + $('#' + taxonomy + 'checklist, #' + taxonomy + 'checklist-pop').on( 'click', 'li.popular-category > label input[type="checkbox"]', function() { + var t = $(this), c = t.is(':checked'), id = t.val(); + if ( id && t.parents('#taxonomy-'+taxonomy).length ) + $('#in-' + taxonomy + '-' + id + ', #in-popular-' + taxonomy + '-' + id).prop( 'checked', c ); + }); + + }); // end cats + + // Custom Fields + if ( $('#postcustom').length ) { + $( '#the-list' ).wpList( { addAfter: function() { + $('table#list-table').show(); + }, addBefore: function( s ) { + s.data += '&post_id=' + $('#post_ID').val(); + return s; + } + }); + } + + // submitdiv + if ( $('#submitdiv').length ) { + stamp = $('#timestamp').html(); + visibility = $('#post-visibility-display').html(); + + updateVisibility = function() { + if ( $postVisibilitySelect.find('input:radio:checked').val() != 'public' ) { + $('#sticky').prop('checked', false); + $('#sticky-span').hide(); + } else { + $('#sticky-span').show(); + } + if ( $postVisibilitySelect.find('input:radio:checked').val() != 'password' ) { + $('#password-span').hide(); + } else { + $('#password-span').show(); + } + }; + + updateText = function() { + + if ( ! $timestampdiv.length ) + return true; + + var attemptedDate, originalDate, currentDate, publishOn, postStatus = $('#post_status'), + optPublish = $('option[value="publish"]', postStatus), aa = $('#aa').val(), + mm = $('#mm').val(), jj = $('#jj').val(), hh = $('#hh').val(), mn = $('#mn').val(); + + attemptedDate = new Date( aa, mm - 1, jj, hh, mn ); + originalDate = new Date( $('#hidden_aa').val(), $('#hidden_mm').val() -1, $('#hidden_jj').val(), $('#hidden_hh').val(), $('#hidden_mn').val() ); + currentDate = new Date( $('#cur_aa').val(), $('#cur_mm').val() -1, $('#cur_jj').val(), $('#cur_hh').val(), $('#cur_mn').val() ); + + if ( attemptedDate.getFullYear() != aa || (1 + attemptedDate.getMonth()) != mm || attemptedDate.getDate() != jj || attemptedDate.getMinutes() != mn ) { + $timestampdiv.find('.timestamp-wrap').addClass('form-invalid'); + return false; + } else { + $timestampdiv.find('.timestamp-wrap').removeClass('form-invalid'); + } + + if ( attemptedDate > currentDate && $('#original_post_status').val() != 'future' ) { + publishOn = postL10n.publishOnFuture; + $('#publish').val( postL10n.schedule ); + } else if ( attemptedDate <= currentDate && $('#original_post_status').val() != 'publish' ) { + publishOn = postL10n.publishOn; + $('#publish').val( postL10n.publish ); + } else { + publishOn = postL10n.publishOnPast; + $('#publish').val( postL10n.update ); + } + if ( originalDate.toUTCString() == attemptedDate.toUTCString() ) { //hack + $('#timestamp').html(stamp); + } else { + $('#timestamp').html( + publishOn + ' ' + + postL10n.dateFormat.replace( '%1$s', $('option[value="' + $('#mm').val() + '"]', '#mm').text() ) + .replace( '%2$s', jj ) + .replace( '%3$s', aa ) + .replace( '%4$s', hh ) + .replace( '%5$s', mn ) + + ' ' + ); + } + + if ( $postVisibilitySelect.find('input:radio:checked').val() == 'private' ) { + $('#publish').val( postL10n.update ); + if ( 0 === optPublish.length ) { + postStatus.append(''); + } else { + optPublish.html( postL10n.privatelyPublished ); + } + $('option[value="publish"]', postStatus).prop('selected', true); + $('#misc-publishing-actions .edit-post-status').hide(); + } else { + if ( $('#original_post_status').val() == 'future' || $('#original_post_status').val() == 'draft' ) { + if ( optPublish.length ) { + optPublish.remove(); + postStatus.val($('#hidden_post_status').val()); + } + } else { + optPublish.html( postL10n.published ); + } + if ( postStatus.is(':hidden') ) + $('#misc-publishing-actions .edit-post-status').show(); + } + $('#post-status-display').html($('option:selected', postStatus).text()); + if ( $('option:selected', postStatus).val() == 'private' || $('option:selected', postStatus).val() == 'publish' ) { + $('#save-post').hide(); + } else { + $('#save-post').show(); + if ( $('option:selected', postStatus).val() == 'pending' ) { + $('#save-post').show().val( postL10n.savePending ); + } else { + $('#save-post').show().val( postL10n.saveDraft ); + } + } + return true; + }; + + $( '#visibility .edit-visibility').click( function () { + if ( $postVisibilitySelect.is(':hidden') ) { + updateVisibility(); + $postVisibilitySelect.slideDown('fast').find('input[type="radio"]').first().focus(); + $(this).hide(); + } + return false; + }); + + $postVisibilitySelect.find('.cancel-post-visibility').click( function( event ) { + $postVisibilitySelect.slideUp('fast'); + $('#visibility-radio-' + $('#hidden-post-visibility').val()).prop('checked', true); + $('#post_password').val($('#hidden-post-password').val()); + $('#sticky').prop('checked', $('#hidden-post-sticky').prop('checked')); + $('#post-visibility-display').html(visibility); + $('#visibility .edit-visibility').show().focus(); + updateText(); + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $postVisibilitySelect.find('.save-post-visibility').click( function( event ) { // crazyhorse - multiple ok cancels + $postVisibilitySelect.slideUp('fast'); + $('#visibility .edit-visibility').show(); + updateText(); + + if ( $postVisibilitySelect.find('input:radio:checked').val() != 'public' ) { + $('#sticky').prop('checked', false); + } // WEAPON LOCKED + + if ( $('#sticky').prop('checked') ) { + sticky = 'Sticky'; + } else { + sticky = ''; + } + + $('#post-visibility-display').html( postL10n[ $postVisibilitySelect.find('input:radio:checked').val() + sticky ] ); + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $postVisibilitySelect.find('input:radio').change( function() { + updateVisibility(); + }); + + $timestampdiv.siblings('a.edit-timestamp').click( function( event ) { + if ( $timestampdiv.is( ':hidden' ) ) { + $timestampdiv.slideDown('fast'); + $('#mm').focus(); + $(this).hide(); + } + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $timestampdiv.find('.cancel-timestamp').click( function( event ) { + $timestampdiv.slideUp('fast').siblings('a.edit-timestamp').show().focus(); + $('#mm').val($('#hidden_mm').val()); + $('#jj').val($('#hidden_jj').val()); + $('#aa').val($('#hidden_aa').val()); + $('#hh').val($('#hidden_hh').val()); + $('#mn').val($('#hidden_mn').val()); + updateText(); + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $timestampdiv.find('.save-timestamp').click( function( event ) { // crazyhorse - multiple ok cancels + if ( updateText() ) { + $timestampdiv.slideUp('fast'); + $timestampdiv.siblings('a.edit-timestamp').show(); + } + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $('#post').on( 'submit', function( event ) { + if ( ! updateText() ) { + event.preventDefault(); + $timestampdiv.show(); + + if ( wp.autosave ) { + wp.autosave.enableButtons(); + } + + $('#publishing-action .spinner').hide(); + } + }); + + $postStatusSelect.siblings('a.edit-post-status').click( function( event ) { + if ( $postStatusSelect.is( ':hidden' ) ) { + $postStatusSelect.slideDown('fast').find('select').focus(); + $(this).hide(); + } + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $postStatusSelect.find('.save-post-status').click( function( event ) { + $postStatusSelect.slideUp('fast').siblings('a.edit-post-status').show(); + updateText(); + event.preventDefault(); + }); + + $postStatusSelect.find('.cancel-post-status').click( function( event ) { + $('#post-status-select').slideUp('fast').siblings( 'a.edit-post-status' ).show().focus(); + $('#post_status').val( $('#hidden_post_status').val() ); + updateText(); + event.preventDefault(); + }); + } // end submitdiv + + // permalink + function editPermalink() { + var i, slug_value, + c = 0, + e = $('#editable-post-name'), + revert_e = e.html(), + real_slug = $('#post_name'), + revert_slug = real_slug.val(), + b = $('#edit-slug-buttons'), + revert_b = b.html(), + full = $('#editable-post-name-full').html(); + + $('#view-post-btn').hide(); + b.html(''+postL10n.ok+' '+postL10n.cancel+''); + b.children('.save').click(function() { + var new_slug = e.children('input').val(); + if ( new_slug == $('#editable-post-name-full').text() ) { + b.children('.cancel').click(); + return false; + } + $.post(ajaxurl, { + action: 'sample-permalink', + post_id: postId, + new_slug: new_slug, + new_title: $('#title').val(), + samplepermalinknonce: $('#samplepermalinknonce').val() + }, function(data) { + var box = $('#edit-slug-box'); + box.html(data); + if (box.hasClass('hidden')) { + box.fadeIn('fast', function () { + box.removeClass('hidden'); + }); + } + b.html(revert_b); + real_slug.val(new_slug); + $('#view-post-btn').show(); + }); + return false; + }); + + b.children('.cancel').click(function() { + $('#view-post-btn').show(); + e.html(revert_e); + b.html(revert_b); + real_slug.val(revert_slug); + return false; + }); + + for ( i = 0; i < full.length; ++i ) { + if ( '%' == full.charAt(i) ) + c++; + } + + slug_value = ( c > full.length / 4 ) ? '' : full; + e.html('').children('input').keypress(function(e) { + var key = e.keyCode || 0; + // on enter, just save the new slug, don't save the post + if ( 13 == key ) { + b.children('.save').click(); + return false; + } + if ( 27 == key ) { + b.children('.cancel').click(); + return false; + } + } ).keyup( function() { + real_slug.val(this.value); + }).focus(); + } + + if ( $editSlugWrap.length ) { + $editSlugWrap.on( 'click', function( event ) { + var $target = $( event.target ); + + if ( $target.is('#editable-post-name') || $target.hasClass('edit-slug') ) { + editPermalink(); + } + }); + } + + // word count + if ( typeof(wpWordCount) != 'undefined' ) { + $document.triggerHandler('wpcountwords', [ co.val() ]); + + co.keyup( function(e) { + var k = e.keyCode || e.charCode; + + if ( k == last ) + return true; + + if ( 13 == k || 8 == last || 46 == last ) + $document.triggerHandler('wpcountwords', [ co.val() ]); + + last = k; + return true; + }); + } + + wptitlehint = function(id) { + id = id || 'title'; + + var title = $('#' + id), titleprompt = $('#' + id + '-prompt-text'); + + if ( '' === title.val() ) + titleprompt.removeClass('screen-reader-text'); + + titleprompt.click(function(){ + $(this).addClass('screen-reader-text'); + title.focus(); + }); + + title.blur(function(){ + if ( '' === this.value ) + titleprompt.removeClass('screen-reader-text'); + }).focus(function(){ + titleprompt.addClass('screen-reader-text'); + }).keydown(function(e){ + titleprompt.addClass('screen-reader-text'); + $(this).unbind(e); + }); + }; + + wptitlehint(); + + // Resize the visual and text editors + ( function() { + var editor, offset, mce, + $textarea = $('textarea#content'), + $handle = $('#post-status-info'), + $postdivrich = $('#postdivrich'); + + // No point for touch devices + if ( ! $textarea.length || 'ontouchstart' in window ) { + // Hide the resize handle + $('#content-resize-handle').hide(); + return; + } + + function dragging( event ) { + if ( $postdivrich.hasClass( 'wp-editor-expand' ) ) { + return; + } + + if ( mce ) { + editor.theme.resizeTo( null, offset + event.pageY ); + } else { + $textarea.height( Math.max( 50, offset + event.pageY ) ); + } + + event.preventDefault(); + } + + function endDrag() { + var height, toolbarHeight; + + if ( $postdivrich.hasClass( 'wp-editor-expand' ) ) { + return; + } + + if ( mce ) { + editor.focus(); + toolbarHeight = parseInt( $( '#wp-content-editor-container .mce-toolbar-grp' ).height(), 10 ); + + if ( toolbarHeight < 10 || toolbarHeight > 200 ) { + toolbarHeight = 30; + } + + height = parseInt( $('#content_ifr').css('height'), 10 ) + toolbarHeight - 28; + } else { + $textarea.focus(); + height = parseInt( $textarea.css('height'), 10 ); + } + + $document.off( '.wp-editor-resize' ); + + // sanity check + if ( height && height > 50 && height < 5000 ) { + setUserSetting( 'ed_size', height ); + } + } + + $handle.on( 'mousedown.wp-editor-resize', function( event ) { + if ( typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' ) { + editor = tinymce.get('content'); + } + + if ( editor && ! editor.isHidden() ) { + mce = true; + offset = $('#content_ifr').height() - event.pageY; + } else { + mce = false; + offset = $textarea.height() - event.pageY; + $textarea.blur(); + } + + $document.on( 'mousemove.wp-editor-resize', dragging ) + .on( 'mouseup.wp-editor-resize mouseleave.wp-editor-resize', endDrag ); + + event.preventDefault(); + }).on( 'mouseup.wp-editor-resize', endDrag ); + })(); + + if ( typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' ) { + // When changing post formats, change the editor body class + $( '#post-formats-select input.post-format' ).on( 'change.set-editor-class', function() { + var editor, body, format = this.id; + + if ( format && $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) && ( editor = tinymce.get( 'content' ) ) ) { + body = editor.getBody(); + body.className = body.className.replace( /\bpost-format-[^ ]+/, '' ); + editor.dom.addClass( body, format == 'post-format-0' ? 'post-format-standard' : format ); + $( document ).trigger( 'editor-classchange' ); + } + }); + } +});