X-Git-Url: https://scripts.mit.edu/gitweb/autoinstalls/wordpress.git/blobdiff_plain/ceb5a929e00123b4e224977c6b5a149f6431b250..41578db67d72562346e4dbb2a14889b23d522813:/wp-includes/js/plupload/changelog.txt diff --git a/wp-includes/js/plupload/changelog.txt b/wp-includes/js/plupload/changelog.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7aaff4c8..00000000 --- a/wp-includes/js/plupload/changelog.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -Version 1.5.7 (2013-04-10) - HTML5: Workaround for squish problem in iOS6, when uploading resized images. - HTML5: Fix failing workaround for FormData+Blob bug on Android... - HTML5: Allow multiple uploads on iOS. - Include VB build script that doesn't depend on Ant and is said to be native to Windows. -Version 1.5.6 (2013-02-28) - Fix regression: getPos() wrong on ie6/7. - HTML5: Send file as binary string if it was mangled, even if multipart is set to false. - HTML5: Add workaround Android browsers, that are unable to properly send blobs in FormData. - HTML4/Flash/Silverlight: Destroy fails to cleanup everything when container not defined. - UI, Queue: Use html() instead of text(), otherwise special characters fail to display properly. - UI, Queue: Use on() instead of delegate() or live(). Update examples to use jQuery 1.9.0 by default. - Queue: Blur rename input field when ESC is pressed. - Additional language packs: Slovak. -Version 1.5.5 (2013-01-23) - UI Widget: Fix sortable feature, broken in jQuery UI 1.9. - Queue: Replace live() with delegate(), as live() was removed from jQuery 1.9. - HTML5: window.getComputedStyle in Firefox doesn't support dashed rulenames - use zIndex instead of z-index. - HTML5/Flash/Silverlight/Gears: Process JPEGs, if quality parameter is present, whatever the scale factor. - Flash: Survive invalid EXIF tag offsets. - Flash: Allow only letters, digits and underscore in runtime id to avoid script injection. - SilverLight: Prepend ampersand to the query string, for non multipart cases (as in Flash and HTML5). - Add mime types for m2v,3gp,3g2 extensions. -Version 1.5.4 (2012-04-12) - Flash: Disable scripting if swf was loaded from another domain. -Version 1.5.3 (2012-04-05) - HTML5: Check if xhr object is initialized, before calling abort() on it. - HTML4: Postpone form removal until uploaders state changes, to avoid error on resuming stopped uploads. - BrowserPlus: Fix mechanical typo, that caused error during mime type check. - BrowserPlus: browserPlus.Uploader.Cancel() has two required parameters, dies with the error if not passed. - Flash: Improve runtime's behaviour during upload cancellation. - Flash: Survive the case when GPSVersionID contains unexpected value. - Flash: Fix random freeze in Chrome's bundled Flash Player. - Flash: Avoid the silent break when URLStream not yet open, but close is called on it. - Flash: Move Destroy handler out of Flash:Init handler, since it might be called not only after Flash:Init but also before it. - Flash: Avoid warning during build with mxmlc. - Try removeEventListener first in IE and only if it fails - detachEvent. - Fix plupload.getPos to return proper value in IE8+. - Do not initiate plupload.STARTED state, if file queue is empty. - Additional language packs: Estonian, Polish, Korean, French-Canadian, Greek, Persian/Farsi. -Version 1.5.2 (2012-01-06) - UI Widget: Do not show UI if no runtime can be initialized. - UI Widget: Timely update file size and total size if resize in action. - UI Widget: Constrain renaming feature to queued files only. - UI Widget: Disable Add button properly, if requested, rather then just hide. - HTML4/HTML5/BrowserPlus: Avoid adding mime type twice to dialog trigger. - HTML5: fix regression, when unresized images were failing on FF3.6. - HTML5: Constrain Gecko 2,5,6 workaround to multipart mode only. - HTML5/Flash: Take into account weird possibilities of ExifVersion being a string, rather then standard Undefined. - Flash: Simplify event dispatching in BitmapDataUnlimited class, in order to avoid freezing on resizing in FP11. - Add ability to disable file dialog trigger on request (uploader.disableBrowse(true/false)). - Support for immediate abort of upload process, be it chunked upload or regular one. - Abort all activity, before destroying uploader. - Revive temporary file removal logic in upload.php. - Fix potential vulnerability in dump.php and upload.php. - Additional MIME types: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.*, application/x-javascript, application/json, text/css,css, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-templat. - Additional language packs: Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian, Romanian. -Version (2011-09-27) - HTML5: Fix mechanical typo, that successfully broke drag and drop, wherever could. -Version 1.5.1 (2011-09-26) - HTML4: Add support for server responses in HTML format. - HTML5: Disable multiple file selection in Safari 5.x for Windows (see #363). - HTML5: Gecko 2/5/6 should upload chunks as binary strings when in chunking mode and client side resize is requested. - Flash: Enforce URLStream mode when custom headers are passed. - Flash: Fix embedding problems in IE9 (and all other IEs). - Flash/Gears/BrowserPlus/SilverLight: Expose multi_selection feature, to be used in required_features (mainly to overcome Safari for Windows problem). - SilverLight: Properly handle custom and null headers. - UploadComplete moved to fire after the last StateChanged event. - Additional language packs: Finnish. -Version 1.5b (2011-09-11) - UI Widget: Fix sortable logic. - UI Widget: Fix bug, when message was displayed simultaneously across all Plupload UI instances on the page. - UI Widget: notify() method is now public - users can throw their own messages into the widget header. - HTML4/HTML5: Revise input[type=file] placement logic to support cursor styling on Geko 2+. - HTML5: Revise Drag'n'Drop detection logic. - HTML5: Make Exif and GPS information available to user, introduce two new events: ExifData and GpsData. - HTML5: Add support for File.prototype.slice() method (mozSlice/webkitSlice) in order to be able to upload files in chunks without preloading. - HTML5: Remove any JPEG headers before restoring them, 'cause user agent (like Chrome), might be inserting it's own. - Flash: Remove a limit on the depth of image header check, since it still fails in some cases and performance gain is negligible. - Flash: Fix regression, when runtime hanged when not images where passed in as images. - SilverLight: Fix bug, when JSON serializer was failing on null. - SilverLight: Remove cast to integer for chunk boundary, which resulted in a wrong size for last chunks on huge files. - SilverLight: Increase read buffer, add disposal of ImageStream and FileStream, optimize for performance. - Updated build.xml to include language packs in release package under js/ folder. - Gears/BrowserPlus: Add support for * file filter. - BeforeUpload now can cancel upload if required. - Additional MIME types: text/csv, image/photoshop, video/x-ms-wmv, video/avi, video/webm support - Additional language packs: Japanese - Cleaned examples. -Version (2011-04-13) - Fixed bug in HTML5 runtime, when was reduced by a factor of 100 after every upload. -Version (2011-04-12) - Fixed build script, mistakenly populating jquery.plupload.queue directory from jquery.ui.plupload sources. - Fixed script urls in all examples, build script now will alter them automatically from dev to release when needed. - Fixed isEmptyObj undefined error in HTML4 runtime. - Fixed bug in UI Widget preventing UploadComplete from triggering. -Version 1.4.3 (2011-04-11) - Added Latvian language pack and updated French. - Fixed bug in Flash runtime when JPEG header was not investigated deep enough to reach SOFn marker in large images. - Fixed bug, when PNGs were cropped to width in Flash runtimes, rather then resized. - Fixed Flash to allow multiple uploading of the same file, with different settings. - Fixed Flash runtime to clean anonymous listeners properly. - Fixed HTML5 runtime to resolve to mimeType in case-insensitive way. - Fixed HTML5/Flash/SilverLight/Gears runtimes for inconsistency in naming of chunks feature, comparing to other runtimes. - Fixed HTML4/HTML5 runtimes for input[type=file] to outsize contaner effectively enough to fill the whole click area. - Fixed all runtimes to preserve position (relative/absolute) rule on containers that already have it. - Fixed SilverLight runtime to support large files (over 2GB). - Restructured the examples, src and build scripts to make it more clear that jQuery is optional. - Added support for *.* filter. - Added support for preserving ICC and IPTC headers when resizing JPEGs. - Added Image.onerror/onabort handlers to HTML5 in order to gracefully bypass faulty images. - Added ability to drop image size (by lowering quality), while preserving original dimension (HTML5/Flash/Gears). - Ported EXIF, ICC, IPTC preservation code to Flash runtime. -Version 1.4.2 (2011-02-20) - Added Brazilian Portuguese, German, Russian and Spanish translations. - Added support for file_data_name option to SilverLight runtime. - Added support for better quality image resizing to Flash runtime. - Added support for properly handling images with dimensions up to 8191x8191 pixels to Flash runtime. - Added 'updatelist' event to UI Widget, which will be triggered every time file list will get redrawn. - Added support for dynamically changing options to UI Widget. - Fixed HTML4 runtime bug, when UploadFile handler was attached twice. - Fixed HTML5 to use FileReader.readAsBinaryString() instead of File.getAsBinary() on newer WebKit browsers (like Chrome 9). - Fixed Flash runtime from sending duplicate Filename param, when using FileReference.upload(). - Updated S3 example to illustrate support for a proper progress indication. -Version 1.4.1 (2011-02-01) - Added an example on how to use Plupload with Amazon S3 written in PHP but can easily be ported to other languages. - Fixed bug where hidden input elements wasn't created when the multiple_queues option wasn't used. - Fixed bug where FF4 would produce an exception about missing BlobBuilder. -Version 1.4.0 (2011-01-26) - Added removeEvent and removeAllEvents methods and modified addEvent accordingly, in order to support dynamic unload. - Added unbindAll method. - Added UploadComplete event, which fires when internal iterator reaches the end of the queue. - Added public destroy method to plupload object, new event - Destroy, and corresponding handlers to all runtimes. - Added Czech, Italian, French, Dutch translations. - Added support for translatable error messages. - Added two new options: browse_button_hover and browse_button_active, in order to support browse_button interactivity. - Added support for 'multi_selection: false' to Silverlight runtime. - Added support for video/mp4, video/x-m4v and audio/mp4 MIME Types. - Added artificial sendAsBinary method to XMLHttpRequest.prototype for browsers that have support for BlobBuilder and typed arrays. - Added version tracking variable into plupload object and version comment to the header of every file. - Fixed measurements of browse_button element in order to size and position input[type=file] element to fit it fully. - Fixed Flash runtime behavior for multiple_select=false and other simpleUpload usage cases: basically new FileReference has to be created for every select dialog. - Fixed browser sniffer to match only Safari, for fakeSafariDragDrop (seems like Safari on Mac doesn't require it either). - Fixed so that ExternalInterface escapes strings properly, before passing them to JS. - Fixed eventual reinitialization of flash/silverlight runtimes, especially for cases when object wrapper needed to be programmatically hidden and then shown again. - Fixed so that Plupload will now ignore files with duplicate names when adding to the queue, in one set. Mainly introduced to work around Safari on Windows bug (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37957). - Fixed bug, when final UploadProgress was firing after FileUploaded for Flash simpleUpload. - Fixed bug where upload would fail if an error was produced inside the FilesAdded event. - Fixed bug in Flash runtime when it used a wrong size when resizing, but not chunking. - Fixed bug in Silverlight runtime that would keep sending 0 byte packages when a picture was chunked before resized. - Disabled blur filter (is going to be replaced with some bilinear resampling in next release). - Completely revised UI Widget, to be more jQuery UI oriented. Optionally depends on UI Button, UI Sortable, UI ProgressBar. -Version 1.3.0 (2010-11-24) - Added new jQuery UI widget that supports jQuery UI themes. - Added new multiple_queues option that enables you to upload multiple times in the queue widgets. - Added support for crossdomain loading of the XAP and SWF files and crossdomain upload. - Added new multiple_queues option that enables you to upload multiple times in the queue widgets. - Added support for crossdomain loading of the XAP and SWF files and crossdomain upload. - Added preinit/init options to to ease up the binding of custom events to queueWidget and the Uploader class. - Added drag/drop support for Safari until they fix the broken drag/drop support on Windows. - Added events example file that show how to bind all events and display event specific data. - Added support for retaining Exif data on images when they where resized using the HTML5 runtime. - Fixed logic issue with the upload.php example file. Chunking wasn't working correctly. - Fixed issue with HTML4 not handling the form encoding correctly on older IE versions. Patch contributed by jinxdone. - Fixed so the HTML4 runtime only submits the defined multipart_params arguments. - Fixes issue where it wasn't possible to dynamically override url or mutlipart_params for the HTML4 runtime. - Fixed so all runtimes pass the name, chunk and chunks parameters as multipart parameters instead of querystring parameters. - Fixed so files are read using the newer FileReader class if it's available if not it tries the older getAsXXX on Gecko. - Fixed bug where IE 9 beta 1 wouldn't render Silverlight properly. - Fixed bug where Flash would do extra empty requests if images below a specific size would be uploaded. - Fixed bug where Google Gears would resize and re-encode images even if the it wasn't changed in scale. - Fixed bug where the HTML5 runtime wouldn't free memory after each request on Gecko. -Version 1.2.4 (2010-09-08) - Added new BeforeUpload event to make it easier to override settings before a file is uploaded. - Added new automatic usage of FileReference in Flash if it's possible. Contributed by Marcel Jackwerth. - Added new chunking support for Chrome 5 and Firefox 3.6 using the HTML 5 runtime. - Added new multipart upload support for WebKit using the HTML 5 runtime and the FormData object. - Added new image scaling method for the Flash runtime contributed by rcoopman. - Added new alert error message if the user selected invalid files. - Added new automatic unique name generation to the example.php script. Contributed by Brandon Kelly. - Changed so the default upload method is multipart and the default chunk size is 0. - Fixed progress issue with the HTML5 runtime running on Gecko. - Fixed so longer extensions can be used such as .tar.gz. - Fixed so the file extension is retained when using the unique_names option. -Version 1.2.3 (2010-05-27) - Added new drag/drop support for HTML5 running on Chrome beta. - Added new multipart state for the features object. It's now possible to detect multipart support. - Added new getFeatures function to all runtime. Basic concept by Javier Martinez Fernandez. - Fixed bug where runtimes where initialized even if they didn't match the required_features setting. -Version (2010-05-04) - Added new headers option, enables you to set custom headers for the upload requests. - Fixed bug where the file extension checking was case sensitive. -Version 1.2.2 (2010-04-26) - Added new file_data_name option that enables you to set the multipart file data param. Patch contributed by Alex Ganov. - Added new FILE_SIZE_ERROR type that will be triggered if the user selected a file that is to large or zero bytes. - Added new FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR type that will be triggered if you add a file with an invalid file extension. - Added new required_features setting, enables you to specify a list of required features that the runtime must have. - Fixed so the plupload.buildUrl function uses the UTF compatible encodeURIComponent method instead of escape. - Fixed so that all file types can be selected if you don't specify a filter setting. - Fixed so more valid HTTP status codes are accepted as valid responses. - Fixed so all runtimes fills the features object with available features. - Fixed some issues with the HTML4 runtime if there wasn't any existing forms on the page. - Fixed some conflict issues with HTML4 runtime and forms with the input names of action or target. - Fixed bug where some Gecko versions would produce exceptions when checking the HTTP status of a XHR. -Version 1.2.1 (2010-03-22) - Fixed bug with incorrect aspect ratio in Flash image scaling. - Fixed bug where chunked uploads could get scrambled in the Flash runtime. Patch contributed by Grady Werner. - Fixed bug where a beta version of Chrome wouldn't handle drag/drop correctly because of missing drag effect. - Fixed so the HTML 4 runtime displays N/A for file sizes and the progress is based on uploaded files instead of bytes. - Fixed so chunking can be disabled properly in Flash but that will affect the progress bar. - Fixed so queue widget displays the drag/drop message if file queue is emptied. - Fixed small files are uploaded as one single chunk and not forced into 4 chunks in the Flash runtime. -Version 1.2 (2010-03-09) - Added new rename file support for jQuery queue widget, click on a file name to rename it if it's enabled. - Added official ChunkUploaded event, it similar to FileUploaded but executed for each chunk. - Added bytes per second support to total queue progress. - Added better error handling to core API using the new Error event. - Added better error handling to jQuery queue widget. - Fixed so chunking uploads is dispatch from JS not from inside Flash/Silverlight. -Version 1.1.1 (2010-02-25) - Added new setup setting to queue widget. Makes it easier to bind custom events to uploader instance. - Fixed so it's possible to disable chunking compleatly. It's now disabled by default. - Fixed bug where multipart mode was enabled all the time in the Flash runtime. - Fixed bug where chunked uploading in Silverlight would fail. - Fixed bug where the delete button was visible while uploading. - Fixed bug where unique_names setting wasn't working when the core API was used. - Fixed bug where the queue widget wouldn't display the currently uploaded file if the unique_names was enabled. -Version 1.1 (2010-02-24) - Added new multipart and multipart_params support. - Added new container option, enables you to specify where flash/silverlight objects would be added. - Added chunking support to BrowserPlus runtime, contributed by Steve Spencer. - Added FileUploaded event that fires when a file is uploaded. - Added more easily understandable buttons to queue widget. - Added html4 runtime, contributed by Ryan Demmer. - Fixed issues with i18n support and added a Swedish and Danish language pack. - Fixed bug where the Flash runtime could do empty requests if the image was scaled down. - Fixed bug where uploading small images in Silverlight would produce an exception. - Fixed so the runtime list can include whitespace or missing runtimes. Patch contributed by Øyvind Sean Kinsey. - Fixed so to large files are ignored and never dispatched to the FilesAdded event. -Version 1.0 (2010-02-03) - First official release of Plupload.