array(), 'quote' => array(), 'dash' => array() ); $dynamic_replacements = array( 'apos' => array(), 'quote' => array(), 'dash' => array() ); $dynamic = array(); $spaces = wp_spaces_regexp(); // '99' and '99" are ambiguous among other patterns; assume it's an abbreviated year at the end of a quotation. if ( "'" !== $apos || "'" !== $closing_single_quote ) { $dynamic[ '/\'(\d\d)\'(?=\Z|[.,)}\-\]]|>|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $apos . '$1' . $closing_single_quote; } if ( "'" !== $apos || '"' !== $closing_quote ) { $dynamic[ '/\'(\d\d)"(?=\Z|[.,)}\-\]]|>|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $apos . '$1' . $closing_quote; } // '99 '99s '99's (apostrophe) But never '9 or '99% or '999 or '99.0. if ( "'" !== $apos ) { $dynamic[ '/\'(?=\d\d(?:\Z|(?![%\d]|[.,]\d)))/' ] = $apos; } // Quoted Numbers like '0.42' if ( "'" !== $opening_single_quote && "'" !== $closing_single_quote ) { $dynamic[ '/(?<=\A|' . $spaces . ')\'(\d[.,\d]*)\'/' ] = $opening_single_quote . '$1' . $closing_single_quote; } // Single quote at start, or preceded by (, {, <, [, ", -, or spaces. if ( "'" !== $opening_single_quote ) { $dynamic[ '/(?<=\A|[([{"\-]|<|' . $spaces . ')\'/' ] = $opening_single_quote; } // Apostrophe in a word. No spaces, double apostrophes, or other punctuation. if ( "'" !== $apos ) { $dynamic[ '/(? is found. . '-(?!->)' // Dash not followed by end of comment. . '[^\-]*+' // Consume non-dashes. . ')*+' // Loop possessively. . '(?:-->)?'; // End of comment. If not found, match all input. $shortcode_regex = '\[' // Find start of shortcode. . '[\/\[]?' // Shortcodes may begin with [/ or [[ . $tagregexp // Only match registered shortcodes, because performance. . '(?:' . '[^\[\]<>]+' // Shortcodes do not contain other shortcodes. Quantifier critical. . '|' . '<[^\[\]>]*>' // HTML elements permitted. Prevents matching ] before >. . ')*+' // Possessive critical. . '\]' // Find end of shortcode. . '\]?'; // Shortcodes may end with ]] $regex = '/(' // Capture the entire match. . '<' // Find start of element. . '(?(?=!--)' // Is this a comment? . $comment_regex // Find end of comment. . '|' . '[^>]*>' // Find end of element. . ')' . '|' . $shortcode_regex // Find shortcodes. . ')/s'; $textarr = preg_split( $regex, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); foreach ( $textarr as &$curl ) { // Only call _wptexturize_pushpop_element if $curl is a delimiter. $first = $curl[0]; if ( '<' === $first && ' " ) ); // Collapse line breaks before and after ', $pee ); } /* * Collapse line breaks inside elements, before and elements * so they don't get autop'd. */ if ( strpos( $pee, '' ) !== false ) { $pee = preg_replace( '|(]*>)\s*|', '$1', $pee ); $pee = preg_replace( '|\s*|', '', $pee ); $pee = preg_replace( '%\s*(]*>)\s*%', '$1', $pee ); } /* * Collapse line breaks inside