Creating a repository

Author:Edward Z. Yang <>

Adding Wizard support for a web application requires some glue code and a specially prepared repository. Creating a new repository for an application in Wizard involves placing pristine versions of the source code (from the upstream tarballs) and appropriately patched scripts versions into a Git repository, as well as writing a module for the application that implements application specific logic, such as how to install, upgrade or backup the installation.

Here is a tutorial for creating such a repository, using an old version of Wordpress as an example. We will implement only the functions necessary for installing an application–upgrades and backups are not described here. We assume that you have a working setup of Wizard; consult the setup documentation for more details.

From this point on, we will assume you are doing development from an AFS directory named $WIZARD; note that application repositories live in $WIZARD/srv.

For Conversions

One of Wizard’s goals is to replace the previous autoinstaller infrastructure. These boxes will explain extra steps that you must perform in order to carry out a conversion of old-style autoinstalls to a Wizard autoinstall. In brief, pre-wizard autoinstalls live in /mit/scripts/deploy and consist of a tarball from upstream, possibly a scripts patch, and possibly some post-install munging (such as the creation of a php.ini file and appropriate symlinks). Performing a conversion means that we will recreate these changes in our Wizard autoinstall, and you will start you repository with the earliest version of the application extant on our servers.


This is a tutorial centered around creating a Wordpress repository. It assumes you have an upstream; if you do not, you can skip most of these steps: just ensure you have a Git repository which contains a pristine and master branch, as well as tags for all of the releases in the form appname-1.2.3 and appname-1.2.3-scripts.

For the sake of demonstration, we shall assume that this repository hasn’t been created yet. The repository then doesn’t exist, we should create it:

cd "$WIZARD/srv"
mkdir wordpress
cd wordpress
git init

We also have to create a module for the application, so we create $WIZARD/wizard/app/ and fill it in with a bare bones template:

import os
import re
import logging
import distutils

from wizard import app, install, resolve, sql, util
from import php

class Application(app.Application):

Finally, we have to tell Wizard about this new module. If you are creating this new module for Scripts, the easiest way to tell Wizard about the application is to add it to the wizard_scripts setuptools plugin. Even if you don’t know anything about setuptools, it’s pretty easy to add your application: edit the file plugins/scripts/ and add your application to the entry point by looking for the following chunk of code and adding a new line:

'': ['mediawiki =',
               'phpBB =',
               'wordpress =', # NEW LINE!

This tells Wizard that there is a new application named wordpress, with a module named and a class named Application in that module, which Wizard should use.

You need to refresh plugin information by running the script or by running python egg_info in the plugins/scripts directory.


If you do not want to place your application in the Scripts plugin, you will need to create a file from scratch in your own plugin. A reasonable template file is:

import setuptools

    name = 'wizard-myapp',
    version = '',
    author = 'Me',
    author_email = '',
    description = ('My Awesome Application'),
    license = 'My Awesome License',
    url = '',
    packages = setuptools.find_packages(),
    entry_points = {
        '': ['wordpress =',

Don’t forget to run python egg_info and add your module to your PYTHON_PATH (otherwise, Wizard won’t know that your plugin exists!)

Now we are ready to put some code in our repository: the first thing we will add is the pristine branch, which contains verbatim the code from upstream.

For Conversions

If we were starting a new autoinstaller, we’d pop off and use the latest version, but since we’re dealing with legacy we want to start our repository history with the oldest version still extant on our servers. To find this out run:

wizard summary version APP

You’ll need to be in the scripts-team list to have access rights to the folder we store this information in: /mit/scripts/sec-tools/store/versions.

For the purposes of demonstration, we’ll use Wordpress 2.0.2; in reality you should use the latest version. Try running the following commands:

cd "$WIZARD/srv/wordpress"
wizard prepare-pristine wordpress-2.0.2

You should get an error complaining about not being implemented yet. Let’s fix that:

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    def download(self, version):
        return "" % version

We determined this by finding Wordpress’s Release Archive and inferring the naming scheme by inspecting various links. You should now be able to run the prepare-pristine command successfully: when it is done, you’ll now have a bunch of files in your repository, and they will be ready to be committed. Inspect the files and commit (note that the format of the commit message is a plain Appname Version.Number):

git status
git commit -asm "Wordpress 2.0.2"
git tag wordpress-2.0.2


Sometimes, won’t actually exist anymore (it didn’t exist when we did it). In this case, you’ll probably be able to find the original tarball in /mit/scripts/deploy/wordpress-2.0.2, and you can feed it manually to prepare pristine with wizard prepare-pristine /mit/scripts/deploy/wordpress-2.0.2/wordpress-2.0.2.tar.gz

Some last house-keeping bits: now that you have a commit in a repository, you can also create a pristine branch:

git branch pristine


In a perfect world, the pristine version would be equivalent to the scriptsified version that would actually get deployed. However, we have historically needed to apply patches and add extra configuration files to get applications to work correctly. Due to the way Git’s merge algorithm works, the closer we are able to reconstruct a version of the application that was actually used, the better off we will be when we try to subsequently upgrade those applications.

First things first: verify that we are on the master branch:

git checkout master

For Conversions

Check for pre-existing patches in the old application directory, /mit/scripts/deploy/wordpress-2.0.2 in the case of Wordpress, and apply them:

patch -n0 < /mit/scripts/deploy/wordpress-2.0.2/wordpress.patch

If you are running a PHP application, you’ll need to setup a php.ini and symlinks to it in all subdirectories. As of November 2009, all PHP applications load the same php.ini file; so just grab one from another of the PHP projects. We’ll rob our own crib in this case:

cp /mit/scripts/deploy/php.ini/wordpress php.ini
athrun scripts fix-php-ini
git add .

Now commit, but don’t get too attached to your commit; we’re going to be heavily modifying it soon:

git commit -asm "Wordpress 2.0.2-scripts"


We now need to make it possible for a user to install the application. The install() method should take the application from a just cloned working copy into a fully functioning web application with configuration and a working database, etc. Most web applications have a number of web scripts for generating a configuration file, so creating the install script tend to involve:

  1. Deleting any placeholder files that were in the repository (there aren’t any now, but there will be soon.)
  2. Determining what input values you will need from the user, such as a title for the new application or database credentials; more on this shortly.
  3. Determining what POST values need to be sent to what URLs or to what shell scripts (these are the install scripts the application may have supplied to you.)

For Conversions

Since you’re converting a repository, this job is even simpler: you just need to port the Perl script that was originally used into Python.

There’s an in-depth explanation of named input values in wizard.install. The short version is that your application contains a class-wide install_schema attribute that encodes this information. Instantiate it with wizard.install.ArgSchema (passing in arguments to get some pre-canned input values), and then add application specific arguments by passing instances of wizard.install.Arg to the method add(). Usually you should be able to get away with pre-canned attributes. You can access these arguments inside install() via the options value.

In particular, options.dsn is a sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL which contains member variables such as username(), password(), host() and database() which you can use to pass in POST.

Some tips and tricks for writing

  • Some configuration file generators will get unhappy if the target directory is not chmod’ed to be writable; dropping in a os.chmod(dir, 0777) and then undoing the chmod when you’re done is a decent workaround.
  • wizard.install.fetch() is the standard workhorse for making requests to applications. It accepts three parameters; the first is options (which was the third argument to install itself), the second is the page to query, relative to the installation’s web root, and post is a dictionary of keys to values to POST.
  • You should log any web page output using logging.debug().
  • If you need to manually manipulate the database afterwards, you can use wizard.sql.connect() (passing it options.dsn) to get a SQLAlchemy metadata object, which can consequently be queried. For convenience, we’ve bound metadata to the connection, you can perform implicit execution.

To test if your installation function works, it’s probably convenient to create a test script in tests; tests/ in the case of Wordpress. It will look something like:

#!/bin/bash -e
cd `dirname $0`

source ./setup

wizard install "wordpress-$VERSION-scripts" "$TESTDIR" --non-interactive -- --title="My Blog"


As you develop more test-scripts, you may find that you are frequently copy pasting install commands. In this case, it may be useful to create a ‘wordpress-install’ helper shell fragment and source it whenever you need a vanilla installation.

DEFAULT_HEAD=1 indicates that this script can perform a reasonable operation without any version specified (since we haven’t tagged any of our commits yet, we can’t use the specific version functionality; not that we’d want to, though). TESTNAME is simply the name of the file with the trailing -test stripped and dashes converted to underscores. Run the script with verbose debugging information by using:


The test scripts will try to conserve databases by running wizard remove on the old directory, but this requires remove() be implemented. Most of the time (namely, for single database setups), this simple template will suffice:

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    def remove(self, deployment)

Versioning config

A design decision that was made early on during Wizard’s development was that the scriptsified versions would contain generic copies of the configuration files. You’re going to generate this generic copy now and in doing so, overload your previous scripts commit. Because some installers exhibit different behavior depending on server configuration, you should run the installation on a Scripts server. You can do this manually or use the test script you created:


WIZARD_NO_COMMIT (command line equivalent to --no-commit) prevents the installer from generating a Git commit after the install, and will make it easier for us to propagate the change back to the parent repository.

Change into the generated directory and look at the changes the installer made:

git status

There are probably now a few unversioned files lounging around; these are probably the configuration files that the installer generated.

You will now need to implement the following data attributes and methods in your Application class: extractors, substitutions, parametrized_files, checkConfig() and detectVersion(). These are all closely related to the configuration files that the installer generated.

checkConfig() is the most straightforward method to write: you will usually only need to test for the existence of the configuration file. Note that this function will always be called with the current working directory being the deployment, so you can simplify your code accordingly:

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    def checkConfig(self, deployment):
        return os.path.isfile("wp-config.php")

detectVersion() should detect the version of the application by regexing it out of a source file. We first have to figure out where the version number is stored: a quick grep tells us that it’s in wp-includes/version.php:


// This just holds the version number, in a separate file so we can bump it without cluttering the SVN

$wp_version = '2.0.4';
$wp_db_version = 3440;


We could now grab the re module and start constructing a regex to grab 2.0.4, but it turns out this isn’t necessary: does this for us already!

With this function in hand, writing a version detection function is pretty straightforward: we have a helper function that takes a file and a regex, and matches out the version number for us.

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    def detectVersion(self, deployment):
        return self.detectVersionFromFile("wp-includes/version.php", php.re_var("wp_version"))

parametrized_files is a simple list of files that the program’s installer wrote or touched during the installation process.

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    parametrized_files = ['wp-config.php']

This is actually is a lie: we also need to include changes to php.ini that we made:

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    parametrized_files = ['wp-config.php'] + php.parametrized_files

And finally, we have extractors and substitutions. At the bare metal, these are simply dictionaries of variable names to functions: when you call the function, it performs either an extraction or a substitution. However, we can use higher-level constructs to generate these functions for us.

The magic sauce is a data structure we’ll refer to as seed. Its form is a dictionary of variable names to a tuple (filename, regular expression). The regular expression has a slightly special form (which we mentioned earlier): it contains three (not two or four) subpatterns; the second subpattern matches (quotes and all) the value that the regular expression is actually looking for, and the first and third subpatterns match everything to the left and right, respectively.


The flanking subpatterns make it easier to use this regular expression to perform a substitution: we are then allowed to use \1FOOBAR\3 as the replace value.

If we manually coded seed out, it might look like:

seed = {
    'WIZARD_DBSERVER': ('wp-config.php', re.compile(r'''^(define\('DB_HOST', )(.*)(\))''', re.M)),
    'WIZARD_DBNAME': ('wp-config.php', re.compile(r'''^(define\('DB_NAME', )(.*)(\))''', re.M)),

There’s a lot of duplication, though. For one thing, the regular expressions are almost identical, safe for a single substitution within the string. We have a function that does this for us:

seed = {
    'WIZARD_DBSERVER': ('wp-config.php', php.re_define('DB_HOST')),
    'WIZARD_DBNAME': ('wp-config.php', php.re_define('DB_NAME')),


If you find yourself needing to define a custom regular expression generation function, be sure to use, which will escape an incoming variable to be safe for inclusion in a regular expression, and also let you pass a list, and have correct behavior. Check out for some examples.

Additionally, if you are implementing a function for another language, or a general pattern of variables, consider placing it in an appropriate language module instead.

We can shorten this even further: in most cases, all of the configuration values live in one file, so let’s make ourselves a function that generates the whole tuple:

def make_filename_regex_define(var):
    return 'wp-config.php', php.re_define(var)

Then we can use wizard.util.dictmap() to apply this:

seed = util.dictmap(make_filename_regex_define, {

Short and sweet. From there, setting up extractors and substitutions is easy:

class Application(app.Application):
    # ...
    extractors = app.make_extractors(seed)
    substitutions = app.make_substitutions(seed)

Note how we combine our own dictionaries with the dictionaries of, much like we did for parametrized_files.

With all of these pieces in place, run the following command:

wizard prepare-config

If everything is working, when you open up the configuration files, any user-specific variables should have been replaced by WIZARD_FOOBAR variables. If not, check your regular expressions, and then try running the command again.

When you are satisfied with your changes, add your files, amend your previous commit with these changes and force them back into the public repository:

git status
git add wp-config.php
git commit --amend -a
git push --force

You should test again if your install script works; it probably doesn’t, since you now have a configuration file hanging around. Use wizard.util.soft_unlink() to remove the file at the very beginning of the install process.

Ending ceremonies

Congratulations! You have just implemented the installation code for a new install. If you have other copies of the application checked out, you can pull the forced change by doing:

git reset --hard HEAD~
git pull

One last thing to do: after you are sure that your commit is correct, tag the new commit as appname-x.y.z-scripts, or in this specific case:

git tag wordpress-2.0.4-scripts
git push --tags


Here is short version for quick reference:

  1. Create the new repository and new module,
  2. Implement download(),
  3. Register the application at the wizard_scripts plugin,
  4. For Conversions: Find the oldest extant version with wizard summary version $APP,
  5. Run wizard prepare-pristine $VERSION,
  6. Commit with -m "$APPLICATION $VERSION" and tag $APP-$VERSION,
  7. Create pristine branch, but stay on master branch,
  8. For Conversions: Check for pre-existing patches, and apply them,
  9. Run wizard prepare-new,
  10. For PHP: Copy in php.ini file and run athrun scripts fix-php-ini,
  11. Commit with -m "$APPLICATION $VERSION", but don’t tag,
  12. Implement install_schema and install(),
  13. Create tests/$,
  14. On a scripts server, run wizard install $APP --no-commit and check changes with git status,
  15. Implement extractors, substitutions, parametrized_files, checkConfig() and detectVersion(),
  16. Run wizard prepare-config,
  17. Amend commit and push back, and finally
  18. Tag $APP-$VERSION-scripts

Further reading

You’ve only implemented a scriptsified version for only a single version; most applications have multiple versions–you will have to do this process again. Fortunately, the most time consuming parts (implementing logic for are already, done so the process of creating upgrades is much simpler.

There is still functionality yet undone: namely the methods for actually performing an upgrade are not yet implemented. You can find instructions for this on the creating upgrades page under “Implementation”.

Table Of Contents

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Anatomy of a repository

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Preparing an upgrade

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