#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use onserver; setup(); my $gitbase = "$scriptsdir/git"; my $htpasswd = "$gitbase/$addrend.git/.htpasswd"; open HTACCESS, ">.htaccess"; print HTACCESS < AuthName "Git Access" AuthType basic AuthUserFile $htpasswd Require user $admin_username # Alternatively, replace "require user" with: #Require group somegroup #AuthGroupFile $gitbase/$addrend/.htgroup # and set up .htgroup appropriately RewriteRule ^($addrend\\.git/.*)\$ /~$USER/$addrend/_git.cgi/\$1 EOF close HTACCESS; chmod 0777, ".htaccess"; open GIT_CGI, ">_git.cgi"; print GIT_CGI <&2 exit 1;; /$addrend.git/*) # pass ;; *) echo "Content-type: text/plain" echo "Status: 403 Forbidden" echo "" echo "Error: PATH_INFO='\$PATH_INFO' must start with /$addrend.git/" echo "gitautoinstaller: \$HOME: found bad start in PATH_INFO='\$PATH_INFO'" >&2 exit 1;; esac export GIT_PROJECT_ROOT="$gitbase" export PATH_TRANSLATED="\$GIT_PROJECT_ROOT\$PATH_INFO" exec git http-backend EOF close GIT_CGI; chmod 0755, "_git.cgi"; symlink "_git.cgi","_git-auth.cgi"; chdir $gitbase; system qw{git init --bare}, "$addrend.git"; chdir "$addrend.git"; open ENABLE, ">git-daemon-export-ok"; print ENABLE ""; close ENABLE; system qw{htpasswd -c}, $htpasswd, $admin_username; print "Your git repository is located in:\n"; print " $gitbase/$addrend.git/\n"; print "To clone, run\n git clone https://$USER.scripts.mit.edu/$addrend/$addrend.git\n\n"; print "Note: Push over HTTP is a relatively new feature in Git, so if git push fails\n"; print "try a newer version of Git, e.g. if you're on Athena 'add git' and try again.\n\n"; press_enter; exit 0;