function deleteHours(hoursId){ new Popup.confirm ({ url: "/~mitoc/wall/common/entry/delete.htmx.php", data: { 'hours_id': hoursId }, title: 'delete?', confirmText: "delete", confirmClass: "popup-confirm", // cancelText: "cancel", onLoadComplete: function(){ // for ie $$('.message').each(function(element){ if (element.get('html') == ""){ element.setStyle('height', 0); } }); var editLink = this.content.getElement(".edit"); if (editLink != null){ editLink.setStyles({'display': 'block', 'right': '0px'}); } // assign action to entry names to show profile var name = this.content.getElement('.name'); if (name.getProperty("staff_id") != null){ name.addEvent('click', function(e){ new Popup({ url: "/~mitoc/wall/common/entry/profile.htmx.php?staff_id="+name.getProperty("staff_id"), title: ""+name.get('html')+"" }).show(); }); } }, onConfirm: function(){ //update db new Request.JSON({ url: "/~mitoc/wall/db/delete_hours.php", method: 'get', data: { "hours_id": hoursId }, onComplete: function(response){ if (response.error == undefined){ window.location.reload(); } } }).send(); $('popup-loading').setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); // var deletingIcon = new Element("img", { // 'src': '/~mitoc/wall/img/ajax-loader.gif', // 'class': 'deleting icon photo-delete' // }); // // deletingIcon.replaces(thumb.getElement("").getParent()); // this is the that surrounds the delete icon } }).show(); } function editHours(hoursId, hoursName){ // if you're an admin editing someone else's hours... var name = (hoursName != null) ? hoursName :'staff_name'); document.insertHoursPopup = new Popup.confirm({ url: "/~mitoc/wall/upcoming/insert_hours.htmx.php", jsDomReady: "/~mitoc/wall/upcoming/insert_hours.js.php?edit=true&hours_id="+ hoursId, title: "edit hours for "+ hoursName + "", data: { 'edit': true, 'hours_id': hoursId}, width: "500px", autosize: false, confirmText: 'edit hours', confirmClass: "popup-confirm", onConfirm: function(){ $("insert_hours_form").fireEvent('submit'); } });; }